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I believe the likelihood is very good - your credit score is very good and your income in good - it also depends on how much debt you have - like credit cards etc....

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Q: What is the likelihood of being approved for a 237000 mortgage with a credit score of 735 and a yearly income of 61000?
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How hard is it to get approved for a 15 year mortgage?

In order to get a 15 year mortgage you need to have good credit. You must also be able to pay the larger monthly payments without any difficulty. Getting a approved for a 15 year mortgage is not difficult as long as you have good credit and can afford the payments.

How does one get approved for a zero down mortgage?

One gets approved for a zero down mortgage in a number of steps. You must prove you can afford the mortgage payments, you must have a good credit history, and you must be able to prove your income.

Can you get a home loan with a judgment on your credit report?

It is up to each mortgage company to determine a person's credit worthiness and likelihood to pay a mortgage loan. Mortgage companies may not approve loans if there are derogatory credit items on a person's report, but this decision is often based on many factors. A judgment will appear on your credit reportfor seven years from the filing date.

What credit score do you need to get a mortgage?

Currently, it is tough to get a mortgage even with very good credit. 730 is about average so a score close to 800 has a good chance of getting approved.

How does credit help a person?

"Credit Plus offers many products and services to help determine an individual's credit score and likelihood of obtaining a consumer mortgage. They primarily work with mortgage industry professionals, but their tools could help an individual as well."

Do you need credit to take over a persons mortgage?

Yes. You would need to be approved by the bank and it would check your credit record.

How does credit plus help a person?

"Credit Plus offers many products and services to help determine an individual's credit score and likelihood of obtaining a consumer mortgage. They primarily work with mortgage industry professionals, but their tools could help an individual as well."

How can one get a mortgage with bad credit history?

Although having a good credit history is better when applying for a mortgage it is possible to still get a mortgage with a bad credit history. When getting a mortgage with a bad credit history, one will have to pay a higher interest rate. Show the mortgage lender that you have a good job that will cover your mortgage. If you eliminate all other debt it looks better to the lender and gives one a better chance at getting approved.

How can one get approved for a 2nd mortgage loan?

If one were interested in getting approved for a second mortgage loan they would need to have assets, a good credit rating and a consistent income. Some banks may require more.

Where can someone with bad credit apply for a home loan mortgage?

Having bad credit does not stop a person from applying wherever they wish to for a home loan mortgage. It does, however, make it significantly less likely that they will be approved.