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Q: What is the first credit card company?
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Can a company charge your credit card without your permission?

No, a company can not charge a credit card without permission. This violation should be reported immediately to your credit card company.

Will you need to go through a credit check in order to get a corporate credit card from your company if the credit card is in your company's name?

That decision is up to the credit card company. If the corporation is relatively new or had no credit history, the credito card company might demand that you personally guarantee the debt and you will need to have a credit check. If you have been in business a long time, the credit card company MIGHT not require a personal credit check.

How do you get a credit card?

1. Inquire to the customer service of the credit card company or you can go directly to the credit card company such as Citibank.2. Ask about what are the requirement in applying a credit card3. You need to know also the credibility of the credit card company if they have good records.4. If you know the details about the credit card company, you go directly and ask about the guidelines, terms and conditions.5. Submit the necessary requirement , usually the credit card company conducts a CI (credit investigation) into your information if you pass their requirements.More adviceFirst of all, make sure that you meet the age requirements to get a credit card. Then decide why you want to get a credit card (to get a cash back from purchases, etc.) After that you can go to a bank, a credit card company, browse "credit card applications" online and find a site where you can apply for a card.To be approved for a card, you should apply for a credit card according to your credit rating.Yes, you can have credit card if you are qualified for one.

Can one apply for a First Merit credit card online?

Yes. Applying for a credit card through First Merit can be completed online. You can also go to a First Merit location near you. On the company's website is where a credit application can be filled out.

With a 594 credit score can you get a credit card?

no. most of credit card company will decline you appilication.

Related questions

How do you cancel your Credit Card Account?

First of all, you call the credit card company you are with and tell them you want to have your credit card cancelled, it doen't get any easier than that!!

Where can one apply for a Chrysler credit card?

You can apply for a Chrysler credit card online at websites such as Chrysler Card and First Bankcard. The Chrysler credit card is overseen by the MasterCard company.

What company has the best credit card offer?

Getting your first credit card is a great accomplishment but it can be a little scary. If you visit the website they will be able to compare different credit cards and rates for your first card.

Can a credit card company bill a consumer for unauthorized charges if the credit card was improperly issued by the credit card company and the card was not activated and was stolen from the home?

Notify them that the credit card was stolen to the credit card company and dispute all the charges on the credit card. You would also have to file a police report if the credit card was stolen. The credit card company must investigate the charges.

Can a company charge your credit card without your permission?

No, a company can not charge a credit card without permission. This violation should be reported immediately to your credit card company.

How does a credit card differ from a debit card?

When you use credit card for purchasing goods and services, the credit card issuer pays for it first and you pay the credit card company. On the other hand, when you purchase using a debit card, your purchases are charged to your bank account.

Will you need to go through a credit check in order to get a corporate credit card from your company if the credit card is in your company's name?

That decision is up to the credit card company. If the corporation is relatively new or had no credit history, the credito card company might demand that you personally guarantee the debt and you will need to have a credit check. If you have been in business a long time, the credit card company MIGHT not require a personal credit check.

What is the first credit anddebit card company named?

visa or American express

Who should you call if a credit card company listed you as deceased on your credit report?

You should call the credit card company.

what is a good credit card company?

A good credit provider is one who does not nickel and dime you for every transaction you make on the credit card. I would work on your credit first and then try to get a card with a low interest rate and no fee to activate it.

Does an online credit card payment get submitted to the merchant or directly to the credit card company?

The online billing goes to the merchant who in turns processes it through the credit card company. There is a back-end process to credit card captures. First, the payment details goes through the merchant via a secured form. Then it is sent through the payment gateway linking the site to the financial institutions. It gets processed by the credit card company who debits the credit card balance of the cardholder and credit the merchant account of the merchant. who is the merchant

How do you find out if your company is eligible for credit card for fair credit?

In order to find out whether or not your company is eligible for this or not, you are going to have to contact the credit card company and ask if you are.