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In any business you want to start up, it would usually require you to invest money or at least spend something so that you can successfully start a business. Since money is always visible in starting a business, you should also expect for a financial risk. When your business do not succeed well, the tendency is you will not be able to have a return on investment.

Now before starting up any business, it is always essential to have a business plan in order to identify financial risks to company.

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Q: What is the financial risk of starting a business?
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business risk is the risk ,a business face ,again the achieving of its objectives ,it can be of many types , like currency risk, political risk , industry specific risk , also financial risk that can also be business risk

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a. consumers b. government planners c. individual business people d combination of government planners and individual investors

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The government can lessen the risk of starting a business by giving small business owners tax breaks. They can also promote educational opportunities about good business practices.

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a. consumers b. government planners c. individual business people d combination of government planners and individual investors

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If you have a business loan for starting up your business, you can contact the company you got the loan from for financial management. They are usually willing to help and work with you to meet goals.

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Non financial risk?

i assume by non-financial risks, you mean business risks. Business risks refer to the kind of risks that could damage the performance of the business (IE, change of management, decreasing customer base, etc)