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Swiss Franc 0.971823 to USD 1.02899 ~ see related link below .

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Q: What is the exchange rate of franc to American dollars?
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5000 francs in American money?

While currency exchange rates are under constant fluctuation, at the present time a Swiss Franc is currently worth approximately 1.12 American Dollars. With this exchange rate, 5000 Swiss Francs are worth 5581.57 US Dollars.

What is the exchange rate French franc?

The French franc is no longer in use. It was replaced by the Euro on January 1, 1999. The current exchange rate is 1 Euro to 1.35 US Dollars.

How much half franc in pounds?

The value of a half franc in pounds depends on the specific exchange rate at the time of conversion. You would need to look up the current exchange rate between the currency of the franc and pounds to get an accurate conversion.

Does Germany accept the Swiss franc?

Yes. Germany uses the Euro. The exchange rate today (27JAN2010) is 1 Swiss franc = 0.679054861 Euros. You can find the current exchange rate at the link below.

What was the French franc to euro exchange rate in 2002?

The exchange rate was 6.95557 francs for one Euro. It was a fixed rate which never varied from the introduction of the Euro (Jan 1, 2001), to the withdrawal of the Franc (Jan 1, 2002) and until the end of the last exchange operation in early 2012.

What is the exchange rate of Swiss franc with US?

1 USD = approximately 1.2 Swiss franc (CHF). Of course the exchange rate varies every day (today, Nov. 8, 2007 : 1 USD = 1.13 CHF).

How do you find the current rate exchange from foreign currency to American dollars?

See the related link

What is the exchange rate between the American dollar and a euro?

1 euro is 1.25 us dollars

What is the exchange rate of the Central African Franc?

Exchange rates change every day. Click here for an online currency converter.

What is the conversion rate from British pounds to American dollars?

The exchange rate from pounds to dollars changes daily depending on the worth of the dollar and pound respectively. Currently for every 1 pound, you get 1.53 dollars.

What is 1950 euros in American dollars?

The exchange rate varies daily, as at 18th July 2009, 1,950 Euros = 2,749.77 US dollars

How much is 5 million naira in American dollars?

At today's exchange rate (2 June 2017) it is $15885.65 US dollars.