Regions Bank
No, in fact you don't even have to deal with them if you don't want to, they are just tactics they use to get your employment info so when and if they try and sue you and if successful they will file a writ with the courts immediately to garnish your wages. Never give them your bank account info, your credit card number or employment info.
In order to payday loan the only thing that needs verification would be your employment just to make sure that you do have a payday. If you are using an online payday loan provider, you are able to take a print screen of a bank statement and email it and no faxing would be needed.
It is the last three digits on the back of your card near (or on) the signature line.
Regions Bank
Regions Bank routing number for Mississippi is 065305436.
Its called the employment verification line. Its in your handbook you received at orientation and its also posted on a business card right behind the security desk where they keep all the other papers on the wall otherwise known as the information wall.
Regions Bank's routing number in Starkville, Mississippi is 065403626.
Regions Bank's routing number for Memphis, Tennessee is 084000026.
The routing number for Regions Bank in Florida is 063104668.
Regions Bank's routing number for Prentiss, Mississippi is 065305436.
verification of account no.657010110001866
Regions bank Birmingham Alabama
Accounts opened in Illinois at Regions Bank
The phone number for check verification for JPMorgan Chase bank in Perth Amboy, New Jersey is 1-212-270-6000. You can also follow Chase on Facebook and Twitter.
No, in fact you don't even have to deal with them if you don't want to, they are just tactics they use to get your employment info so when and if they try and sue you and if successful they will file a writ with the courts immediately to garnish your wages. Never give them your bank account info, your credit card number or employment info.