The amount of money a lawyer makes depends on what type of lawyer he or she is. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that the average salary is $113,000.
The definition of accumulated earnings is the sum of the profits of a company after dividend payments since the inception of the company. Accumulated earnings are also called earned surplus, retained earnings, or retained capital.
NO, the retained earnings would be in the equity part of the equation.
The earnings of ordinary shareholders are called dividends.
normal balance of retained earnings: credit.
Contingent liability can impact earnings because it is a projected and future liability. Not knowing what the outcome of the liability is, it can unexpectedly affect a large amount of earnings.
over 40,000 million
There is no direct information on which American lawyer posted the highest earnings in 2012. However, as a rule, those in Mississippi are the most highly paid.
The highest amount of money a lawyer can make varies significantly, with some top lawyers earning millions of dollars annually. Factors that can influence earnings include the lawyer's practice area, experience, reputation, client base, and geographic location. Overall, the potential income for lawyers is quite extensive.
Net Worth $500 MillionAnnual Earnings According To Forbes Magazine2010 Earnings: $58 million2009 Earnings : $110 million2008 Earnings : $40 million2007 Earnings: $72 million2005 Earnings: $50 million
listen . how much a lawyer can earn, not make, is up to the lawyer. A non profit legal-aid lawyer can earn 40,000/yr while a private practice lawyer has unlimited potential earnings. If you like money, and you like to do meticulous work and you enjoy attention, and you can stand to work for the majority of a week then this is an excellent career choice for you. You can also make a difference in peoples lives. I know of one lawyer who earns well over 20 million a year. He is a partner for one of Americas largest corporations and he worked his way into that position by doing excellent work. So like I said , It is entirely up to the lawyer as to how much they can earn.
Personal injury lawyer salaries vary based on factors such as experience, location, and caseload. On average, they can earn anywhere from $70,000 to over $200,000 per year. Successful personal injury lawyers who handle high-profile cases can earn even more.
The total earnings of three newspaper carriers are . The earnings of the carriers individually are . What were the earnings of the individual who earned the least?
Millwrights Annual average earnings: $50,040*Mechanical engineering technicians Annual average earnings: $50,070Industrial engineering technicians Annual average earnings: $50,130Vocational education teachers, middle school Annual average earnings: $50,150Food service managers Annual average earnings: $50,400Vocational education teachers, postsecondary Annual average earnings: $51,020Dietitians and nutritionists Annual average earnings: $51,540Pile-driver operators Annual average earnings: $51,650Aircraft mechanics and service technicians Annual average earnings: $51,960Court reporters Annual average earnings: $52,150Chemical plant and system operators Annual average earnings: $52,160Construction and building inspectors Annual average earnings: $52,240Elementary school teachers, except special education Annual average earnings: $52,550Lodging managers Annual average earnings: $52,570Middle school teachers, except special and vocational education Annual average earnings: $52,650Police and sheriff's patrol officers Annual average earnings: $52,950Forensic science technicians Annual average earnings: $52,970Special education teachers, preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school Annual average earnings: $53,090Tax examiners, collectors, and revenue agents Annual average earnings: $53,100Boilermakers Annual average earnings: $53,110Sound engineering technicians Annual average earnings: $53,150Respiratory therapists Annual average earnings: $53,170Advertising sales agents Annual average earnings: $53,230Radiologic technologists and technicians Annual average earnings: $53,410Appraisers and assessors of real estate Annual average earnings: $53,460Educational, vocational, and school counselors Annual average earnings: $53,540Vocational education teachers, secondary school Annual average earnings: $53,760Employment, recruitment, and placement specialists Annual average earnings: $53,960Insurance appraisers, auto damage Annual average earnings: $53,990Electrical and electronic engineering technicians Annual average earnings: $54,050Medical and clinical laboratory technologists Annual average earnings: $54,120Real estate sales agents Annual average earnings: $54,700Librarians Annual average earnings: $54,750Training and development specialists Annual average earnings: $54,840Music directors and composers Annual average earnings: $54,840Special education teachers, secondary school Annual average earnings: $55,140Surveyors Annual average earnings: $56,030Property, real estate, and community association managers Annual average earnings: $56,280Aerospace engineering and operations technicians Annual average earnings: $56,560Engineering technicians, except drafters, all other Annual average earnings: $56,660Legal support workers Annual average earnings: $57,060Compensation, benefits, and job analysis specialists Annual average earnings: $57,080Editors Annual average earnings: $57,300Claims adjusters, examiners, and investigators Annual average earnings: $57,630Funeral directors Annual average earnings: $58,820Public relations specialists Annual average earnings: $59,030Sales representatives, services Annual average earnings: $59,150Transportation inspectors Annual average earnings: $59,650Arbitrators, mediators, and conciliators Annual average earnings: $59,780Instructional coordinators Annual average earnings: $59,830