future value of an annuity is a reciprocal of a sinking fund
face value is the value written on the coin(currency),and intrinsic value is one which when the same coin is melted and that metal is sold the cost of that. before tuglak's rule the face value of the currency was equal to intrinsic value in india.
The balance of trade (or net) is the difference between monetary value of exports and imports of output in an economy.
Value maximization and profit maximization are very much related, the main difference being- value maximization means increases in owners' wealth achieved by maximizing of the value of a firm's common stock. profit maximization is the process by which a firm determines the price and output level that returns the greatest profit. the other difference among the two could be sited as- value maximization is seen as long term objective of a firm, whereas profit maximization is generally a short term objective.
Token money is a type of money whose intrinsic worth is less than its nominal value eg its value as money is less than its value as metal while fiat money is a type of money which intrinsic value is more than its nominal value.
The difference between the Actual Value & Earned Value is the Project Cost Variance
the DIFFERENCE between the place value and the face value is 991
Surplus value is the difference between the value that workers produce and what they are paid in wages.
the same as the difference between ct and k
There is no difference because they are of equal value
The difference is the PLACE VALUE is the number in standard form and the VALUE is the name of the place spot the number is in.
The place value of the 3 in 329 is 300. The face value is 3. Therefore, the difference between the two is 300 - 3 = 297.
The difference between total customer value and total customer cost is__________.
Standardizing a value occurs by determining the difference between the value.