MNC is multi national company having branches world wide. corporate co. is a part of it.
A global approach to business focuses on having a business in many nations. A multi-domestic approach to business means that a business has many businesses in one nation.
Multi-national means a company which operates in more than one country and international means a company which exists in one country but sells products in more than one country.
Check out the company website or annual report or write to HQ,
A multi-national company is a more accurate way of saying international or global company, because most companies are not truly global as they only do business with certain nations. A national company does business only within their home country.
What is the difference between a unicellular and multi?
"What is the difference between single plate clutch and multi plate clutch?"
Unix is a multi user, multi processing and multi tasking operating system
multi processing is nothing but executing multiple thrads on multiple processors at a time....
in stage you have finsh one then start next, but in leve there is not this rule
a singe celled is a prokaryote and multi celled is a eukaryote
explain the difference between single point & multi point cutting tool
The difference between a single-factor and multi-factor region is that a single factor region is based on a single physical feature and characteristic. A multifactor regions is based on multiple physical features and characteristics.
Proofing tool: It is required to check spellings in particular language. Multi Language Pack: Language pack for other languages not installed on windows except English. It is required to read and edit the document in particular language.
some kind of mitosis that tgoes through
single seed- Mango multi seed- tomato
100 is out of production, 600 is not and it has some slight modifications to it