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A free credit report is a list of your debt history. It shows all of your personal information, creditors, account balances, and paid-off balances. A credit score is basically just a rating given to you by credit card companies to show your standing with them.

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Q: What is the difference between free credit report and credit score?
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What is the difference between your credit score and your beacon score?

Your beacon score is basically an equifax branded FICO score, there is no difference except that a beacon score uses data found in your equifax credit report only. So if data furnishers do not report to equifax it will not appear on their credit report and thus this information will not be reflected in your beacon score.

Is a credit report the same as a credit score?

A credit report tracks your credit reliability based on your history of making payments on your loans and other debts. A credit score is a numeric value based on a weighted formula and your credit history. To find out more on both your credit report and credit score go to

Where can one get a free credit report score?

People can get a free credit score report from many different websites. People can go to Credit Report website for a free credit report. Also, they can use Free Score Online site to get a free credit score report.

Is my credit score on my credit report?

Your credit score is determined from the data on your credit report. Most credit reporting sites sell or give away for free a credit score with your credit report. Some site only give away a credit score. So, the answer to your question is, yes, your score generally comes with your credit report but it is not always included.

Where can a person get a credit score report?

One can get a credit score report from many different places that offer them, such as credit consulting companies. One can also request a credit score report from the Equifax, Annual Credit Report, and TransUnion websites.

What is a credit report and a credit score?

A credit report basically contains information about your credit history, whereas Credit score is a number which is generated on the basis of your credit report. Score totally depends upon one's credit record, if history is good, credit score will be high. I always check my credit score free at

What is a good website to get my credit report credit score?

There are many website to get your credit report credit score. You can go to or to find the score.

Does it hurt your credit score when you have a credit report service that allows you to check your credit score as much as you want?

It only hurts your credit score when someone else pulls your credit report.

Does it effect your credit score when request your personal credit file?

if someone looks into your credit report, yes it will effect your credit score. it will reduce between 3-10 points.

Where can you get a free credit report score?

One can get a free credit report score from 'Experian' Other sites that offer free credit report scores include 'Credit Karma', 'my FICO' and 'Free Credit Report'.

What is the difference between credit score and credit rating?

The difference between credit score and credit rating is simple Credit score (or credit history) is the history of paying back debt where as credit rating the the reputation for paying back money owing

Does a free annual credit report give you a credit score?

A free annual credit report does indeed give you a credit score. Sometimes they will even give a credit score from several credit score companies just to get a better overview of your credit.