The difference between an unliquidated debt and a liquidated debt is this: Liquidated Debt: A debt that has an exact monetary value. Unliquidated Debt: A debt that is undisputed as to its amount, but still under the liability of the debtor. Each one of these debts has a statute of limitations to it. I believe they stand at 3 years for liquidated debt, and 6 years for unliquidated debt. These numbers are for Colorado and can change from state to state based on their rulings.
Consumer debt is governed by the FDCPA....commercial debt is not.
loan is money borrowed and debt is money owed. :-)
if the debt is unliquidated
A debt is something you owe someone, a loan is something you borrow
There is a subtle difference between debt settlement and bankruptcy. Debt settlement allows a person to pay off some of their debt with their creditors. Bankruptcy claims do not result in payment of the debt. Either practice creates bad credit scores for the consumer.
Consumer debt is governed by the FDCPA....commercial debt is not.
loan is money borrowed and debt is money owed. :-)
if the debt is unliquidated
A debt is something you owe someone, a loan is something you borrow
There is a subtle difference between debt settlement and bankruptcy. Debt settlement allows a person to pay off some of their debt with their creditors. Bankruptcy claims do not result in payment of the debt. Either practice creates bad credit scores for the consumer.
No difference, 2 different words for the same thing.
The main difference between the two is that when a account being. Debt services means they consolidate your debt and debt repayment means they are asking for repayment through money. You should go for debt services to get out of debt. The meaning of this is that the debt consolidator will get in touch with all your lenders, "pay off" the balances on your behalf and subsequent to this instead of two or more credits, you only be indebted to one lender!
Difference between interest-bearing and non-interest-bearing note.
No. Though the law may differ in other countries, in the United States, debt dies with the debtor. The debtor's estate can be liquidated to raise capital for the debt, but no family member can be asked to repay any portion of the debt.
Credit measures ability to buy, while debt means money owed.
Mineral rights are a part of the estate. All assets have to be valued and distributed or liquidated. Any proceeds from the sale of assets must be used to pay off any debts.