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Q: What is the definition of undiscounted cash flow?
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What is undiscounted cash flows?

Undiscounted cash flows is a term commonly used in real estate sector. This does not take into consideration the value of time and in the future the value of a tangible asset will depreciate.

Where can you find the a definition of cash flow?

The definition of cash flow can be found on wikipedia or the dictionary. It is defined as the amount of money being transferred in and out of a business.

Where can you look up the definition of cash flow?

You can look up the definition of cash flow in any encyclopedia.The Merriam-Webster Dictionary will also have the definition in it. It should not be hard to find at all.

What is the definition of a companys cash flow?

A company's cash flow is the amount of cash (or income) that goes into a business. Cash usually comes from a product or service that a company sells for profit.

Why is impairment tested using undiscounted future cash flows rather than the present value of future cash flows?

Original cashlow to match principal

Is cash flow notes a great way of income?

Cash flow notes are a great way of income, but only can be uused one time. The definition of a cash flow note is that an investor will give you cash in exchange for monthly payments on his investment.

What is the definition of cash flow?

Cash flow is simply the money that "flows" into or out of an account. The term flow is used because John Maynard Keynes used the analogy of a river to describe economies.

Where can I find the definition for cash flow notes other than google? and Real-Estate-Online both have good definitions of what cash flow notes are.

What is a real estate cash flow note?

Cash flow notes are legal documents that promise the borrower will repay the lender. There are currently 60 types of cash flow notes. Read more at

What is the definition of cash outflow?

Cash outflow: when cash goes out of your business or account. for example: purchase of machinery will lead to cash out flow or sattlement of any debt witll lead to cash outflow.

What is the definition of cash flow financing?

Cash flow financing is when a short term loan is given for money that is used to cover a shortfall in needs before money is actually issued by a job, settlement, etc. Cash flow financing is given based upon a predicted projected income.

What is undiscounted value of the expected future cash?

Means just use the amount given, and not take into account of any uncertainty, discount rate and so forth.