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Q: What is the current risk free rate of return on investment in India?
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What is the current risk free rate of return in India?


How do you calculate Excess Returns?

To calculate excess returns, subtract the risk-free rate of return from the actual return on the investment. Excess returns show the additional return earned above the risk-free rate, which represents the compensation for taking on additional risk. It is commonly used to evaluate the performance of an investment or portfolio.

The Importance of Knowing Returns?

An investment return before the rise of the Internet was little more than what the investment advisor on the other end of the phone had told you that you had made. However, now, investment returns can be easily checked online for absolutely free - and on top of that, the assessments made by investment advisors can be easily checked by the most novice of investors. It is always a good policy to use one of these free investment return calculators online to get a sense of the market rate for any investment in which you are planning to put your money.

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What are the three basic factors that influence the required rate of return for an investor?

The three basic factors that influence the required rate of return for an investor are the risk-free rate of return, the expected return from the investment, and the risk premium associated with the investment. Investors typically demand a higher rate of return for riskier investments.

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The Sharpe Ratio is a financial benchmark used to judge how effectively an investment uses risk to get return. It's equal to (investment return - risk free return)/(standard deviation of investment returns). Standard deviation is used as a proxy for risk (but this inherently assumes that returns are normally distributed, which is not always the case). See the related link for an Excel spreadsheet that helps you calculate the Sharpe Ratio, and other limitations.

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An IRA investment calculator is to determine the rate of return you need to generate on your savings in order to meet your retirement goals.

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A CD Investment Calculator Helps Plan Your Portfolio?

CDs can be an excellent investment. They offer a specific rate of return in exchange for tying up your money for a particular period of time. Unlike the stock market, there is a guaranteed return, and unlike bonds, you are able to "cash out" and reinvest your money, penalty free, much quicker. Using a CD investment calculator, you can determine whether the rate of investment for your CD will be acceptable for the length of time you're unable to access the money.

How do you calculate risk - free return?

Risk free rate of return or risk free return is calculated as the return on government securities of the same maturity.