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Money that you get from your business, is called business money.

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Q: What is the business money?
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Would you rather make money or better the business?

Better business. With a better business money will follow.

The money used to start a business is what?

The money used to start a business is called capital.

What is the purpose of business money?

In the most simple of descriptions, the purpose of business money is ready capital that is set aside by a business only for company/business purposes. It is not the same as petty cash because this money has only a business related purpose.

What are the three financial needs of a business?

Money Money Money

Why is profit requirement of business?

If a business is not making a profit then they are losing money if this continues a business will reach a point in which it will have no money and declare bankruptcy.

What is objective in business?

A business' objective is to make money. They are in business to make money for their stockholders. They sell products and services to maximize their profits.

What is the money needed to start a business called?

The money needed to start a business is called "capital".

Money left after a business pays expenses?

1. Money left after a business pays expenses

What is money known as that is used to invest in business?

Money invested in business is called capital

Cost of revenue?

The cost of revenue is the money spent to make profit for a business. All business have to spend money to make money.

What do you call money spent for business?

Business expense.

What is the name of a person who manages the money of a business?

A finance manager is the name of a person who manages the money of a business.