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Sometimes companies can grow stale or not keep up with the rest of the fast paced companies and corporations. It's always about gut-wrenching new innovations to keep your head above water. Sometimes someone is just starting out in a business and need to get their name out there fast. I've learned a long time ago 3 good things that do this: #1 Advertising #2 treating employees like humans and getting them involved and #3 marketing. Stats prove that most successful ideas to spice up the company and also keep the employees interested is to come up with good ideas yourself, but if stuck, then getting together as a group often helps. Brainstorming can be crazy and wild and sometimes the wilder the better because it many cases it works! Advertising is #1 so your answers to a problem could well come from your own TV set. Watch some of the cool ads and grab onto some ideas from that. I often see an ad that's quite good, but doesn't have enough punch and find myself thinking "I would have done that different." Digital imagery is at the top of the list and there is no end in sight as to the magic you can pull off with it. There is a great coke commercial out that is done in digital imagery. Getting your employees or partner involved is #2 - Get out with the so-called "little people" because THEY are the ones that can make or break you! Marketing is #3. Get a few people out there to see what's happening and what's shaking and moving. If you are selling a product then find out what your competitors are charging for their most popular merchandise. It's about "under-cutting" (or "cut-throating.) Do the math first. If you can't afford to under-cut that drastically then you are going to have to MAKE the people want to buy your product or engage your services. No matter how modern our times are I still go by rule of thumb by the best piece of advice I have every had from a Jewish man years ago. He told me that it's how you treat your employees (as humans and to let them be part of growing with the company) and to give good service, sell cheaper than your competitors, but sell in volume! Look at the Shopping Channel for instance. They sell thousands of the same products, thus, they can give bull-low prices. All they have to do is show their wares and they don't have to advertise. You can't possibly do this when you are in a smaller new company, but eventually you will and thus, in comes "MAKE people want to buy your product. If you want to get in with the pack for the running (no matter what service you are giving or what you are selling) you need to get your name out there and I still stand behind awesome, but simple digital imagery advertising. TAPPING INTO YOUR EMPLOYEES: Your employees actually DO have another life, so tap into who they are on their private time. Some could be artists, great at Photography and others are at their computer forming their own websites or playing with digital imagery. Get your employees or partner in business excited and start searching for these new ideas. I once saw one of the most beautiful ads that was in a magazine and I couldn't take my eyes off it. It was a medium lit background (nothing else) and a partial black arm with a huge black hand, palm open holding a tiny white baby! There was no caption under the title and one didn't need one. That ad alone struck volumes to people and many people talked to me about it. Sometimes simple can be best. TAP INTO YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS & DON'T BE AFRAID TO TALK TO THE PUBLIC: By talking to others and finding out what they like is your best bet. The consumer is tired of having things jammed down their throats they don't particularly like, but need the product. REMEMBER THE BABY BOOMERS! Baby boomers are coming up hot and heavy by the millions and they "want!" They are a little old fashioned, but still into new and modern ideas. Tap into this group and be a leader! WHERE WOULD I GET SOME COMICAL IDEAS TO GET MY PRODUCT OUT THERE? Life is comical if one chooses to get out in society or listen to friends and family's and ideas pop up every few minutes. Most people love 3 things ... #1 Children #2 Animals (especially dogs and cats) and #3 Romance! You have to get into the minds of the general public. It was thought for instance, that by having a knock-out blond standing by a car would make men rush out and buy that car. While some insecure men would think buying that car would attract such a beautiful woman (in droves) of course it wasn't true, but it's proven if you use digital imagery with a car racing through the country side leaving storms and volcanoes (fast-paced) behind them both sexes sit up and take notice. My husband builds yachts and he works with Management. We discuss business together. He needed new ideas, because the outside of the yacht is usually the male owners idea as to what he wants it to look like and the company was also giving the male owner complete control over the interior of the yacht. Wrong! I told my husband that the Interior Planner there should get the wife and husband involved in the structure of the interior. It worked like a charm! Most women will look at this big beautiful yacht and enjoy looking at it, but don't feel part of it and as much as some men would like society to believe that men rule, it's simply not true. Women have a BIG say into what goes on and what their husband's buy. We've also put our heads together to come up with ideas for advertising and I told him to "nix the chicks" (have a very few) but have some beautiful back-drops. My husband went to Management with this idea (I stay in the background) and the next brochure that came out this beautiful yacht was sitting out in a lagoon with a huge waterfall behind it and lush greenery beside it. It was awesome. That shot was taken in none other than British Columbia and part of it was digitally done! We have so many ideas floating around in our brains we are almost tripping over ourselves. LOL Once you get the idea of it all there is no end in sight. Hope this helps and good luck!

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