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I have a pile of money and I am debating whether to give it to you or your competitors.

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Q: What is the best thing to say to creditors to get them to do what you want?
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How do you remove enquiries from your credit?

The best thing to do is just contact the credit reporting agency that your seeing the inquires on and tell them you want to dispute the inquires, and they'll ask you why or how, and just say you didn't approve the inquiry.

Can you inherit debt?

No, debt is not inheritable. The purpose of an estate is to settle all debts before anything is distributed. You can opt to accept some debt, for instance a mortgage, if you want the home. Be careful what you say when talking with creditors.

What are the best ways to get rid of debt?

I can't say that there are really best ways to get rid of debts. But I think this will help:First, assess how much debt you are in.Assess your financial capability to know if you can pay your debts in a regular basis.Then, try to talk the matter over with your creditors. Ask them if they can adjust your payment terms so that it will be more manageable for you.If they disagreed, you might want to try to employ professional help.Don't worry, there are debt professionals out there that offer free services.Just a piece of advice, if you want to get rid of debt, don't owe something to someone. Avoid incurring debt so that there's no reason for you to be anxious about getting rid of it.Good luck! :)

What banks offer the best low interest mortgage?

It is hard to say which banks offer the best low interest mortgage rates because there are so many banks in different areas of the country. The best thing to do is go online to CompareInterestRates website to find the best rate in ones area.

What is the best way to sell a home?

say all the bad qualities first and under exagerate them then tell them every single good thing about the house and explain how this could help them and make life alot simplier 4 them

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You don't say a thing. If they want you back the best thing to do is keep quiet and see if they make contact.

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Why you say "ALL"? Actually they want to have a best thing. and use all good thing in the world.

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Not if they were discharged. they can say you owe whatever they want but they can't collect.

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IT is not the thing to say in your question say the actual thing you want people to answer ok.

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Say yes about what? Sometimes, saying "no" is the best thing.

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IT is not the thing to say in your question say the actual thing you want people to answer ok.

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Oh! you poor thing, tell you what the only way you can do this is be blunt to this person. Say what you want to say and make sure that he or she understand what you wanted. Explain to this person that don't want anything to do with him or her....good luck!!

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Here's the first thing you do, You ask them "Do you still want to be my friend?" And see what they say. If they say that they don't want to be your friend anymore or if they ignore you, It's okay because we lose some we gain some. You lose a best friend you will always make more.

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i want to inspire my fans