As of 2014, the average salary for a CEO is an estimated 739,545 dollars. The salary will depend on experience and also the company.
The average salary for a freight broker in the United States is $39,000.
There is no information on the average salary of a financist. The average salary range for a financier is from $49640 to $74460.
While salaries vary from region to region, the average salary is around $50,000 for a male. This salary is slightly less for a female.
The average salary of an investment banker is between $75,000 and $150,000. Their actual salary varies based on their experience, the company they work for, and their success rate.
The average salary of florist in canada is $8,200
The average weekly salary of a florist is $760
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$10 to $15 /hour
The salary rate for florist depends on the area one is in. Most florist are paid hourly wages. The lowest on the pay scale is $7.35 an hour and the highest comes in around $15 an hour. This translates into roughly $16,935 - $35,808 yearly.
How much does an average small town florist make a year??
Florist makes an average of $13440.
The median salary for a florist is usually based on hourly rates, i.e. minimum hourly pays, $10/hour. Occasionally you can request flat fee pay for event arrangements, such as weddings, funerals.
The yearly income for bridal florist $23,530 yearly.
The average monthly income of floristis $1,588 to $2,411
The average salary is not average. Each county and state has it's own salary. For example, in L.A., the salary is 179,000. The average salary is probably closer to 40,000 dollars a year.
12.37 per hour