It widely fluctuates from country to country and it also depends on the final bonus.
Including the latter, 90kUSD a year sounds to me lika a good worldwide average.
A film assistant director can get a salary of over a million dollars if they get to work on a major movie production. The director of a major film can get up to 11 million dollars in salary.
As of 2014, the average salary for a CEO is an estimated 739,545 dollars. The salary will depend on experience and also the company.
The average salary of a florist is between $16000 and $31000 per year.
The average salary for a freight broker in the United States is $39,000.
The average salary in the USA in 1930 was around 1,368 per year.
The average salary for a funeral director apprentice depends on the location. The average annual salary in Dallas, TX is about $38.000. The average annual salary in New York City is about $52,000.
The salary of an art director in India is highly dependent upon experience and qualifications. The average salary for this position is R 535,457.
A film director's salary may be nothing before they are discovered. Once they have a name for themselves they can make six figures. The average salary is $71,000.
The salary for a Director of Administration varies greatly depending on the company one may be working for, or where one lives. A Director of Administration may have a salary anywhere from $40,000 to $160,000 US dollars.
According to the statistics/reports, the median expected salary for a director of engineering in the US is 125,317 but there are many factors that may affect the salary you would expect.
In simple words...Salary Range: $25,000 to $80,000 (usually)
minimum $3846 a week.
I'm not sure about the average but my boyfriend's dad is a director for a huge retail chain here in Ireland and is on about 250K (euro).
between 80k and 112k
A director of development and communications, in the United States, earns an average of $67,000 per year. Salaries can vary based on location and experience.