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Enterprise's aim was to reach space

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Q: What is the aim of a social enterprise?
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What is social enterprise?

Social enterprise is a business driven by a social or environmental purpose.

When was Social enterprise association created?

Social enterprise association was created in 2009.

What is a social enterprise?

A social enterprise is a business or organization that applies commercial strategies to solve social or environmental problems. It seeks to maximize positive impact on society or the environment, while also generating revenue and sustaining its operations. Social enterprises often have a clear social mission and use their profits to reinvest in their social or environmental goals.

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How could a charity organization benefit from a social enterprise?

A charity enterprise could benefit from social enterprise because it is a good way to have causes and fund raisers show to a mass audience in a sort amount of time.

What does the social enterprise Alive and Kicking manufacture?

The social enterprise "Alive & Kicking" manufactures sports balls. You can learn more at the Wikipedia. Once on the website, type "Alive & Kicking (social enterprise) into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

What is meaning of social enterprise?

With social enterprise, an organization applies the principles for human and environmental benefits rather than monetary benefits. Such an organization can be either for profit or nonprofit.

How is social enterprise different to most business?

becuase trains. that's why

What is the aim to form a family?

The basic and quite natural aim to form family is procreation and rearing children in a social environment.

Does Kim Kardashian have an aim?

Being that Kim Kardashian is a social starlette - famous for being famous - her aim is to remain relivant in the media.

What is aim of social workers?

To look after downers who can't help themselves.

What has the author Jonathan Blake written?

Jonathan Blake has written: 'AIM and EASDAQ: the new enterprise markets' -- subject(s): AIM Market System, EASDAQ Market System, Securities, Stock Exchange (London, England)