The noun or verb finance has the derivative adjective form financial. The adverb form is financially.
capital structure is the structure/form/shape/component of total amount of capital owned by a company .... means the total issued or subscribed capital whether its in the form of ordinary shares, PTCs ,TFCs, etc optimal capital structure is the such amount of capital which a company maintains while seeings its cost.
Equity capital
Money market is a place where banks deal in short term loans in the form of commercial bills and treasury bills. But capital market is a place where brokers deal in long term debt and equity capital in the form of debenture, shares and public deposits.
The adverb form of noisy is noisily.
Heavily is the adverb form of heavy.Heavily
No, it is an adjective. Anonymously is the adverb form.
The related adverb form is decreasingly. It is the adverb form of the present participle, decreasing. The past participle, decreased, does not form an adverb.
The adverb form is incessantly.
The adverb form is originally.
The adverb form is originally.
The adverb form is secondarily.
The adverb form is academically.
what is the adverb form of freedom
The adverb form in 'readily'
The adverb form is strangely.