In many financial reports, "fy" is an abbreviation of "fiscal year".
Fiscal usually relates to matters of financial stature. Fiscal could also relate to taxes and government issues. The use of the word fiscal can be combined in conjunction with fiscal cliff, fiscal year, fiscal deficit, fiscal policy and fiscal parish.
The fiscal year is the twelve month period used for keeping financial records. It is useful for comparing one year with the previous year or years to see what kind of progress has been accomplished. A fiscal year is determined for one's self by a person or organization, and can start on any date that is convenient. The fiscal year of the U.S. Government originally ran from July 1st to July 1st because the U.S. officially came into being on July 4, 1776. Subsequently, the U.S. Government changed its fiscal year to begin on October 1st (I think), but I don't know the reason for that change. Most persons establish their fiscal year to coincide with the calendar year: January 1st to January 1st.
It stands for Fiscal Year.
In many financial reports, "fy" is an abbreviation of "fiscal year".
Fy is not a word. It is used as a suffix for words and is a commonly used abbreviation for fiscal year.
Fy is not a word. It is used as a suffix for words and is a commonly used abbreviation for fiscal year.
when the fiscal year beginning in the philippines
Matching principles advocates the matching of all expenses in specific fiscal year with matching reveneus for the same fiscal year.
the German fiscal year in January 1st... and ends in December 31st....
Fiscal usually relates to matters of financial stature. Fiscal could also relate to taxes and government issues. The use of the word fiscal can be combined in conjunction with fiscal cliff, fiscal year, fiscal deficit, fiscal policy and fiscal parish.
According to the website, they run the same fiscal year as the Federal Government. This means that the fiscal year ends on Sept 30th and the new one begins on Oct 1st.
Dividends declared will not be recorded until they are actually paid. You should record the portion paid this year in your retained earnings and the portion that is paid in the next fiscal year in the subsequent year.
Fiscal Year or Financial Year
"año fiscal" "AF"