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survival profits and growth

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Q: What is the Fundamental objective of most businesses?
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What are the business aims and objectives of next?

The aim and the objective of most of the businesses is to make profits. There are businesses which are established to give back to the community.

Is money making the sole objective of business?

No. It is probably the primary one for many, or even most, businesses, but different people are motivated by different things, and their businesses are as well.

What is the objective of a marketing plan?

To shape all decisions for taking a product or service to market...core to most moderrn businesses

What are fundamental objective of information?

availability, confidentiality, integrity, all the above

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what are the objective for implementing the fundamental rights according Dr ambedkar

What is a fundamental objective?

A fundamental objective is a primary goal or target that an individual, organization, or society aims to achieve. It serves as a guiding principle or purpose in decision-making and planning activities to help progress towards a desired outcome.

What is objective of e-bay?

The objective of eBay is to allow people to buy and sell unwanted items, or for businesses to sell their items

Why is earning profit considered as only one of the objective of business?

Earning money is a businesses main objective because it has investors that expect a return on their money. When businesses don't make money they stop existing.

What is meant by the term business objective?

A business objective is a goal the business has established. Businesses create objectives so that they can ensure they are moving forward in operations.

Which pope said it was necessary to spread Christianity?

AnswerAll of the popes have made it a fundamental objective to spread Christianity.

What is objective of physics?

The objective of physics is to understand and explain the fundamental principles of nature by studying the interactions of matter and energy. It aims to provide a framework for predicting and explaining the behavior of physical systems, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. Ultimately, the goal of physics is to uncover the underlying laws that govern the universe.

Which cagencys objective is to provide aid and counseling to small businesses?

The small buisness administration (SBA)