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Q: What is speaking platform?
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The term rostrum has many meanings such as: platform where a conductor may stand, galley, transport, a musical platform, or a place where ones notes can be placed when speaking, etc.

What is a podium?

Podium is:a raised platform for a speaker, performer, or the leader of an orchestraa stand with a slanted surface that holds a book, notes, etc., for someone who is reading, speaking, or teaching

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A senior monk on a slow-stepping horse (or padnag). Could mean an abbot (head of an abbey) (Preacher) on an ambling (amble-to make a statement (pre amble)).Pad (Platform) maybe like a soap box but for religious not political speaking. A preacher on a platform.

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Informatics is, broadly speaking, the science of information (amongst other things). C++ is, specifically, a cross-platform, general purpose, programming language.

What is the purpose of the lectern?

A lectern is used to support reading material or notes during a speech or presentation. It provides a platform for the speaker to place their materials at an appropriate height for easy reference while speaking to an audience.

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"El altavoz" is Spanish for "the speaker" in the context of a sound system or device used to amplify audio. It can also refer to a public speaking platform or microphone for addressing a group.

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a gun platform castle is a castle with a gun platform.

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What is the difference between a dais and a podium?

A dais is generally a platform higher than floor level enabling people seated or standing on the dais to be seen by the rest of the people in the room, often upon which is set a "head table" and chairs. A podium is a raised platform (similar to dais). Strictly speaking, if one person is standing on a raised platform it's a podium, if there's more than one, it's a dais. Additionally, a 'lectern' is a desk or stand w/ a slanted top used by public speakers. The lectern is placed on the podium.