A manager is a person who conveys tasks to be done to the employees. The manager also communicates with superiors in a company in order to accomplish the company's goals.
Typical examples of financing decisions regarding the wrong source of finance to the wrong business expense include spending money meant for education programs on road infrastructure.
Operating Lease is a lease other than finance lease. A leasing transaction wherein the lessor takes the asset risk and the credit risk.
Credit is spelt correctly... I think he meant spelled... But the difference is that credit is borrowing money and agreeing to pay it back and can be a part of finance. Finance is a group of disciplines that deals with money management and planning, usually in a corporate setting. It involves buying/selling of stock, bonds, notes, etc.
Vendor finance is a form of lending in which a company lends a money to be used by the borrower to buy the vendor's product or property. Vendor finance is usually in the form of deffered loans from, or shares subscribed by, the vendor.
The social responsibility of business is to increase its profit elucidate this statement in the context of the economist. Social responsibility should not be meant for profits but to the thank the loyal customers for buying certain goods.
The social responsibility of a business refers to the giving back by the society as a result of being supported in a given society.
Your eligibility for social security will have a significant impact regarding your finances. Your social security number is a vital tool used for identification purposes
model description of a Reservation manager
i do,t know.....
the commerical activity of providing funds and capital
I am the personal assistant of a Mortgage Company. I am also the manager of 7 other people under me. My responsibilities include 70-80% in the volume workload, and I make sure that my percentage is met.
Social banking, also called ethical or sustainable banking, moves toward more social and environmental responsibility in the financial sector. In their financing it deals with sustainable and socially responsible projects which have particular dimensions like environmental assumption and notions like justice and equality.
any duty, obligation, or burden.
A manager is a person who conveys tasks to be done to the employees. The manager also communicates with superiors in a company in order to accomplish the company's goals.
what is meant by the equality of women and men
You spend your money without thought