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It means don't spend money you don't have.

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Q: What is meant by limiting expenditures within one's budget?
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What is meant by surplus and deficit?

For a government that taxes and spends, there is revenue (income) and expenditures (outlays). When the expenditures exceed the revenue, the difference is a deficit, also referred to as a "shortfall". When revenue exceeds expenditures, there is money left over, and this is a surplus.

What is meant by limiting factor in budgeting?

The flow of an activity is limited by the presence or absence of one or many factors necessary for survival. That factor is called as limiting factor.

What is a fixed budget?

There are many things that could be meant by a fixed budget. It could mean that you only have a limited amount of money to spend.

What is meant by Static budget?

Static budget is a budget which envisages only one level of business activity.Here business activity means volume of production or sales.The static budget is camparitively easy to prepare.It tends to be far less accurate then flexible budget.

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because it meant there was no surplus for the banks to benefit from

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Things which may get in the way of achieving the budget targets.

Define what is meant by a limiting factor Give examples?

A limiting factor limits the development or growth of a population, an organism or process. Examples include: shortage of skilled labor and materials, limited labor hours and machine hours.

First trillion dollar budget?

budget for fiscal 1987. was first trillion dollar budget. although it wasn't meant to be such, it sneaked over 1 trillion.

Where can I purchase municipal bonds from?

Municipal bonds are not actually meant to be bought unless you have a high income tax. They are issued by some agencies and local governments to finance their capital expenditures.

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A structure that is a member of another structure is a structure within a structure.

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its whats inside that counts

What do you mean by cost accounting?

its the practice of calculating the resources incured in producing the final product