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Bank gives surety or guarantee to pay the money to beneficiary of the cheque endorsed by bank. Customer (drawer) has to pay certain charge to make a cheque Good for Payment. The payable amount is segregated from the balance to reserve once it endorse. This cheque is authorized by the banker to be Good for Payment. Customer can request bank to prepare manager's cheque, cashier's cheque, banker's cheque or cheque on selves instead of good for payment

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Q: What is good for payment cheque?
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Can any one arrange me a Good for payment cheque in visakhapatnam?

In chennai good for payment cheques can be arranged by an consultant 9842566336

Who can stop payment of cheque?

Owner of Cheque and/or Bank

What is a countermanded cheque?

conutermanded cheque is the cheque which has been stoped payment....for some reasons

Can you send a photocopied cheque in payment?

No, the cheque needs to be original.

Can you stop a good for payment cheque?

No. A good for payment is automatically paid to the beneficiary upon the maturity of the check. A bank undertakes the responsibility that it will not stop the payment of the check under any circumstances.

What are the power of check holder?

You can issue a cheque for payment, cancel a cheque, get the cheque deposited through the bank.

How do you write a letter to bank to stop payment in missing cheque?

how did write a letter to bank manager missing the cheque and stop the payment

What is an elv number?

Is this related to an payment? In Germany, an ELV is a kind of electronic cheque.

Difference between order cheque bearer cheque?

A person holding the cheque can collect the amount if it is a bearer cheque. The payee (i.e. the person in whose favour the cheque is issued) only or his authorized person only can collect the amount of the cheque if it is an order cheque

What the homophone for payment of money?

check, cheque

What is the homophone of a payment of money?

A homophone of a payment of money is "cents."

Who can stop payment of a cheque?

The person who issued the cheque can issue the stop payment on the cheque. As long as the check isn't submitted for payment yet, you can issue the stop payment request. But, if the check is already paid the bank will not accept the stop payment. A point to note is that, the person to whom you gave the check can prosecute you legally for doing so because he wont get paid for the check