

What is good debt to eqity ratio?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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Good debt to equity ratio would be where your Weighted Average Cost of Capital is minimum. You can also see industry standards.

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Q: What is good debt to eqity ratio?
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Is a debt ratio of more than 20 percent good?

no because debt is always bad.

What is the total debt of 1233837 and total assets of 2178990 what is the firms debt to equity ratio?

Debt equity ratio = total debt / total equity debt equity ratio = 1233837 / 2178990 * 100 Debt equity ratio = 56.64%

If debt ratio is point5 what is debt-equity ratio?

There is no such thing as "debt ratio." A ratio is a fraction,, it needs two numbers, one divided by the other. A debt/equity ratio of 0.5 is debt = $500, equity = $1000, or any other set of numbers that equals 0.5 or 50%.

How do you solve for debt to equity ratio with an equity multiplier of 2.47?

Equity Multiplier = 2.4 Therefore Equity Ratio = 1/EM Equity Ratio = 1/2.4 = 0.42 MEMORIZE this formula: Debt Ratio + Equity Ratio = 1 Therefor Debt Ratio = 1 - Equity Ratio = 1 - 0.42 = 0.58 or 58%

If the debt-equity ratio is 1.0 then the total debt ratio is?

The total debt ratio is .5; total debt would be .5 as well as total equity (both added together equal 1). Total debt ratio = .5 (total debt)/.5 (total equity)= 1.

Solve for debt equity ratio with debt ratio of 43?

For a company, the debt ratio indicates the relationship between capital supplied by outsiders and capital supplied by shareholders. Often the debt ratio is computed as total debt (both current and long-term) divided by total assets. Thus if a company has $50,000 in debt and assets of $100,000, its debt ratio is 50%. The debt ratio is also calculated as total debt/shareholders' equity, long-term debt/shareholders' equity, and in other ways. However computed, the debt ratio provides insight into the firm's capital structure and will vary across industries. A low debt ratio isn't necessarily best: If a company can earn a greater return on debt than its cost, the firm should borrow more and raise its debt ratio -- provided the debt burden won't be crushing when business slows. Turning to consumers, the debt ratio is often shorthand for the "debt to income" ratio, i.e., an individual's monthly minimum debt payments divided by monthly gross income. The debt ratio is monitored by credit card companies and determines the consumer's ability to obtain additional credit

How do you calculate debt service coverage ratio of a firm?

Debt Service Coverage Ratio = Interest payable on debt/Net Profit

What is the impact of a stock repurchase on a company's debt ratio?

Stock repurchases increases the debt equity ratio towards higher debt.

Breckenridge Ski Company has total assets of 422235811 and a debt ratio of 29.5 percent Calculate the companys debt-to-equity ratio and the equity multiplier?

What is given is: total assets = $422,235,811 Debt ratio = 29.5% Find: debt-to-equity ratio Equity multiplier Debt-to-equity ratio = total debt / total equity Total debt ratio = total debt / total assets Total debt = total debt ratio x total assets = 0.295 x 422,235,811 = 124,559,564.2 Total assets = total equity + total debt Total equity = total assets - total debt = 422,235,811 - 124,559,564.2 = 297,676,246.8 Debt-to-equity ratio = total debt / total equity = 124,559,564.2 / 297,676,246.8 = 0.4184 Equity multiplier = total assets / total equity = 422,235,811 / 297,676,246.8 = 1.418

can I use a debt ratio calculator to see how much debt I am in ?

Not exactly, debt ratio calculators calculate your debt as a ratio to your income. You should try an outlet like to find the right calculator for you.