

What is considered low income in USA?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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10y ago

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Anyone making less then $25 per hr I would consider low pay as I have people working for me without a high school diploma and I pay them to start $25 per hr BUT they must be willing to learn this trade,show up on time and be drug free

Less than $25/hr to *you* is considered low income? You are paying people without a diploma, in a *regular, full time* job $25/hr? I'm curious to know the trade. I am having a very hard time believing this. I have worked with electronics engineers who didn't make that kind of money.

SUPPLY and demand it is called ... How many people call an electronics enginner for an emergency such as flooded basement or no heat calls in the middle of the night?

Think about it many of the franchise ROTO companies "train" their Zombies in 6 weeks to clear a drain and send these 6 week wonders into the field.

Snaking (rodding ) a 4" main sewer normally takes less then a 1/2 hr and they charge $225 or more..

Thus is a decent employee can hustle and do 8-12 drains in 7 hrs she /he makes mre then their salary and profit.

For example a toilet stoppage can be a real mess and it takes less then 5 minutes to clear it in most cases but the clients still pay a service call of $150 -$225 thus paying a helper $25 ($1,000 per week) is no big deal if they are generating $1,000 per day.

The hard part is finding

1- a drug free employee

2- a employee who shows up on time

3- A employee with a clean drivers license

4- a employee who can read and speak ENGLISH

5- An honest employee who does not make side deals with your avccounts by doing extra work or going back at night and doing the job.

I know a few Journeymen plumbers (mechanics) who made over $175,000 per year.

Plumbing like most professions you get what you put in The stumble bums who call themselves techs or "plumbers" with out any formal training or have a masters license is like a guy saying I am a doctor by learning OJT and never finished first grade

I realize this is a very old question, but I wanted to respond to the person who said anything under $25/hr is considered low. Maybe to him it is, but the majority of people I have known in my life make far less than that, and they lived just fine. It all depends on where you live.

Also, the statement about not needing an electrical engineer for a flood, that was a bad example. When your cable internet and TV go out, do you call a plumber? No you call a technician to fix it. You call who is needed for the job.

Low income depends on where you live, the cost of living there, and how much you make. It is different all over the country and even between cities.

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