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Overdraft means that you withdraw more money from your bank account than it actually have. For instance, you have 30,000 in your account and you make a withdrawal of 35,000. If the amount overdrawn is within the limits defined by the bank, then you will have to pay interest at a prior agreed rate. However, the interest rate will increase if the overdrawn is beyond the agreed amount.

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Q: What is an overdaft?
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If you owe a bank money and you have other accts with that bank they are allowed to take the money to satisfy the overdaft/delinquent fees that you may have.

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One possible long-term consequence of groundwater overdraft is subsidence, where the land surface sinks as the aquifer is depleted. This can lead to damage to infrastructure such as buildings, roads, and pipelines. Additionally, continued overuse of groundwater can result in saltwater intrusion into freshwater aquifers, making the water unsuitable for human consumption or agriculture.

What is the difference between exceeds arrangement and insufficient fund?

Amount mentioned in the instrument exceeds the overdaft limit then that instrument is retuned for reason "Exceed arrangement". eg. If o/d limit of an account is Rs.1 lac and around Rs.75 K have already been overdrawn and then cheque of another 50K hits the account then instrument will be returned for reason "exceed arrangment". If account does not have sufficient balance and customer issues the cheque exceeding the balance then same will be returned for reason "Insufficient Funds". eg. If account has the clear balance of Rs.1 lac whereas instrument is issued of Rs.3 lacs then same will be retuned for reason "Insufficient Funds".