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An endorsement isa written modification or amendment to the coverage of an insurance policy. The term is usually used in connection with a property or a liability policy.

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Q: What is an endorsment as used in the context of insurance?
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What is the fund transfer clearance certificate endorsment fee of endorsment centre china?

No such thing. That is a scam.

What does the insurance term 'adjustment' mean?

The word "adjustment" when used in the context of insurance means:The monetary amount an insurance "adjuster" has determined is the appropriate payment to be made to an insured person for a claim that is covered under the insurance policy.

What was the highest paid endorsment ever?

Gulf I think

How can a third party carrier be defined in the context of auto insurance?

In the context of auto insurance, a third party refers to anyone who is not a part of the insurance contract. This could include drivers of other vehicles on the road.

What does 'p and l' mean in the insurance context?

Property and liability (P & L) insurance

How big of bike can you drive at 16 with your motorcycle endorsment?

up to a 1000

Who has the most endorsment money?

tiger woods had 100 million i think

What is the meaning of monetary loss in insurance?

In the context of property insurance, "monetary loss" refers to the destruction or the reduction in value of the object insured. It can also refer, for example, in the context of collision or comprehensive coverage in an auto policy, to the cost of repair. In the context of health insurance, it can refer to the cost incurred in providing medical care (for which the insured would otherwise be liable-this, incurring a monetary loss). In the context of life insurance, it refers to the loss of the financial interest that a beneficiary has in the continued life of an insured.

Can a felon get hazmat endorsment on his cdl in pa?

Not in Pennsylvania, nor any other state.

What is the meaning of mutiny in insurance?

In general, mutiny refers to an uprising against one in charge. The term is usually used in the context of a ship and its commander. With respect to marine insurance, it is often deemed to be an insurable peril in much the same way as piracy can be.

What can insurance be used to cover?

Insurance can be used to cover a number of things such as: life insurance, auto insurance, travel insurance, home insurance, and business or corporate insurance.

What is the definition of property insurance?

It really depends on the context. It could be referring to the property that is insured, or if you are referring to property damage insurance (coverage actually) that is coverage for the damage you cause to the property of others. If you could explain in what context I could be of more assistance possibly.