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Sole proprietors get to make all of the business decisions themselves.

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Mina Hyatt

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2y ago
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Q: What is an advantage the owners of sole proprietorship enjoy over the owners of a corporation?
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Is an advantage the owners of a sole proprietorship enjoy over the owners of a corporation?

Sole proprietors get to make all of the business decisions themselves.

What is an advantage the owners of a sole proprietorship enjoy over the owner of a corporation?

Sole proprietors get to make all of the business decisions themselves.

What Advantage the owners of a sole proprietorship enjoy over the owner of a corporation?

Sole proprietors get to make all of the business decisions themselves.

What is an advantage corporations enjoy over partnerships?

There are several: Corporations have limited liability, they are usually not affected by the death or departure of an executive, and the business decisions do not have to be the consensus of all of the owners.The owners of a corporation don't have to work together to make all of the business decisions.

Which of thee following is an advantage corporations enjoy over partnership?

The biggest advantage is that the liability of the owners of the corporations is limited to the extent of their financial involvement. There are many advantages to being a corporation. These advantages include name protection, additional credibility, tax breaks, and perpetual existence.

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Enjoy the jobs.

Which of the following is an advantage the owners of a sole proprietorship enjoy over the owners of a corporation?

When you type a question that includes the phrase "Which of the following," you need to follow it with choices. ^no. They get to make the decisions themselves. - APEX ^but he is right...but nobody cares...apex users understand, right guys?! haha i love seeing comments like that because then its like an inside joke between us apex users Sole proprietors get to make all of the business decisions themselves

How many ships does carnival corporation have?

Enjoy 1 of their 23 ships

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The home field advantage

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Because the boys take advantage of the girls to have sex with in the night.

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A privilege is to be able, or an advantage, favored, or specially granted.