

What is a typical sales commission?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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16y ago

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Typical commission is 6% of the sale price, unless otherwise agreed to by Seller and Agent

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Q: What is a typical sales commission?
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There is no such thing as a typical sales commission on anything. This is something that has to be determined between sales person and company hiring the sales person to make sales.

What are typical sales commission rates?


Typical commission for IT Hardware sales?

The typical commission for IT hardware sales depend on the cost of hardware sold. Hardware costing below $10,000 will yield 8 percent commission, $10,001 - $20,000 is equivalent to 10 percent commission, and higher than $20,000 will yield 13 percent commission.

What is typical sales commission in IT services industry?

My experience is 40% of profit.

What is average sales commission for training sales?

The typical commission rate for sales starts at about 5%, which usually applies to sales teams that have a generous base pay. The average in sales, though, is usually between 20-30%. What is a good commission rate for sales?

What are typical sales commission rates for sales of capital equipment of 500k to 3 million?

3% to 5%, depending on complexity of equipment

What are typical sales commission rates in surgical device sales?

It depends on what basis a sales rep is hired. If hiring only on commission basis it starts from 15% to 25% and if hiring against some basic salary then it would be 5% to 15%.

Is sales commission an expense or cost of sales?

Sales commission is a Cost of sales. But the salary of a sales agent is an expense.

Is sales commissions a fixed or variable cost?

Sales Commission varies with volume of sales that's why it is a variable cost as much the sales as much the sales commission, high sales high sales commission and vice versa.

Is commissions a fixed or variable costs?

Sales Commission varies with volume of sales that's why it is a variable cost as much the sales as much the sales commission, high sales high sales commission and vice versa.

Is commission paid on net sales or net profit?

It's not typical in any industry that pays commission. To be clear, there is a different between gross profit and gross sales. Either way, paying commission on either is not the standard.Gross profit and gross sales implies a number beforing taking out sales taxes that a company must pay.Typically, commission is paid on net profit or net sales because the "sales person" because the company has to pay the taxes and the sales person had no bearing on these taxes.Look at it this way. When tipping (which is really like paying commission) a waiter/waitress, you should tip on the amount before taxes are added not after. Taxes are a product of the state laws, etc, not the business charging the taxes. The waiter has noting to do with something the state charges.