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Q: What is a spouse access endorsement?
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Can your spouse obtain appointment information under HIPAA?

If the spouse wanting the information has been authorized by THEIR spouse to have access to their information, yes. If not, no.

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Equal rights and access see link

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no because they cant

What is Endorsement essentials and kinds of endorsement?

Endorsement is a legal writing that refers to the signing of a document for the purpose of a negotiable transfer from one party to another. Five kinds of endorsement are: Endorsement in blank, Special endorsement, Conditional endorsement, Qualified endorsement, Restrictive endorsement.

Is the convicted felon who lives with the unconvicted spouse who has a gun in the house at risk for violation of federal gun laws?

Yes, unless you either: (1)Are no longer prohibitted from possessing firearms (due to a pardon or restoration of rights); or (2)The nonconvicted spouse legimately prevents you from having access to the firearms, ie. locking them in something that you don't have access to. The spouse could also face charges of providing you access to firearms. Yes, unless you either: (1)Are no longer prohibitted from possessing firearms (due to a pardon or restoration of rights); or (2)The nonconvicted spouse legimately prevents you from having access to the firearms, ie. locking them in something that you don't have access to. The spouse could also face charges of providing you access to firearms.

Can the spouse of a felon have a gun in wash. State?

Yes, however, the spose may NOT have access to the firearm. That means that any time the gun in not in possession of the spouse, it must be under lock, and the felon may not have access to the keys.

Is an endorsement in full also called a special endorsement?

special endorsement

What are the legalities. when a spouse unkowingly access money from your account?

Depends of what State. If the incident occurs in a "common law" state; that is to say that property of married persons is considered "joint" property, nothing. If a spouse "unknowingly" accesses money from the account of a "spouse", unless there is a written agreement, such as a prenup or separation agreement, there is no crime. By mere virtue of the fact that the spouse COULD access the money, negates any claim the other spouse could make. "Unknowingly" implies without knowledge. It is not possible to access money "unknowingly", thus I take your meaning to be the identity of the account holder was unknown.

What three types of endorsements for checks?

Open endorsement, special endorsement, restricted endorsement.

Kinds of endorsement?

1. Blank endorsement 2. special endorsement 3. restrictive ..

What type of endorsement is for deposit only on a check?

"For deposit only" is a restrictive endorsement.

In Texas can a spouse of a convicted felon own gun if they keep it in gun safe in home?

The general answer is yes, the spouse of a felon can owna gun as long as the felon has no access to it.