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He/she is called a miser. Misers hoard money as they are poor.

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Q: What is a person that hoards money called?
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What a person who saves and hoards money called?

A person who saves and hoards money is considered a 'miser.'

Who hoards and saves money?

I know what you are saying. A person who hoards money is called a miser.

What is a persons who saves and hoards money called?

A person who saves and hoards money is considered a 'miser.'

What is the person called that hoards money?


Person who saves and hoards money?

A person who saves money is smart, but a person who hoards money is a classified as a 'hoarder.'

Who is a person who hoards?

A person who hoards is called a hoarder.

a person who hoards money is a?

It is called a miser

A man who hoards his money?

A man how hoards his money tends to have alot of it, he is considered a tight person who can hold on to his money.

A person who hoards money?


A person who saves and hoards money?

a miser

A person who greedily hoards money?


What do you call a person who hoards things because you have them?

A person who hoards things that you have would be called..."you." Or whatever your name is.