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A Stock Broker.

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Q: What is a person called who buys and sells securities for clients?
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A is a person who buys and sells securities for client?

A Stock Broker.

When a securities professional buys and sells excessive amounts of stock for a clients account to make extra large commissions from the trades she is?

a thief

What services does Forex Brokerage offer?

Forex Brokerage is a financial company that buys and sells financial securities, such as bonds and stocks. Clients of brokerage firms are usually investors.

A person who sells rockets is called?

A person who sells rockets is called a "rocket vendor" or a "rocket seller."

What is the person who sells fruit called in Tagalog?

the person who sells fruit called in Tagalog: magpuprutas

Who is a stockbroker?

A stockbroker is a professional individual who buys and sells stocks and other securities for clients, through a stock exchange. Stockbrokers are commonly associated with a brokerage firm or a broker-dealer.

What is a person who makes and sells sweets called?

The person that makes and sells sweets is called a confectioner.

What is the difference between dealer and broker?

Broker buys/sells securties on his/her clients behalf and dealer buys/sells securties for his/her accounts. 1. A broker is a person who executes the trade on behalf of others, whereas a dealer is a person who trades business on their own behalf. 2. A dealer is a person who will buy and sell securities on their account. On the other hand, a broker is one who will buy and sell securities for their clients. 3. While dealers have all the rights and freedom regarding the buying and selling of securities, brokers seldom seldom have this freedom and these rights. 4. A broker has only a little experience in the field compared to dealers. It has also been seen that brokers become dealers once they get experience. 5. A broker is normally paid a commission for transacting the business. A dealer is not paid a commission, and he or she is a primary principal.

A person who sells bhel is called?

a person who sells bhel is called a bhel seller,bhel wender or hawker

What is a person that sells slaves called?

A person who sells slaves is normally called a 'slave trader', or 'slave broker'.

What is a person who sells stationary called?

A person who sells stationary is typically called a stationer or a stationary store owner.

A person who sells peanuts is called?

a person who sells peanuts is called a peanut seller,peanut wender or hawker