a national bank is a bank basically where you save money, deposit money, get take money out. they can even loan you some money if you really need it but you would have to pay them back ofcoarse.
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classification of banks on the basis of ownership consist the following branches 1) public bank 2)private bank 3)nationalize bank 4)statutory bank 5)chartered bank
Pros: * You nationalize if a bank is too big to fail but in too much trouble to ever work its way back to solvency. * You nationalize because it allows rapid reorganization and writedown of debts, just as in a normal bankruptcy. * You nationalize because it's fair: it wipes out shareholders and provides taxpayers with an upside for their investment. * You nationalize because it makes the selloff of toxic assets easier since they can be hived off and held onto for a while without having to value them first. * The fundamental principle is that in a capitalist system, ownership and control of failed enterprises should reside in the hands of whoever buys up the corpse. If that's the government, then that means nationalization. Cons: * The common shareholders lose their entire investment in the stock. * Drive financial stocks to the ground and may affect other sectors. Nationalization is in favor of the taxpayers and not the shareholders. Obama promised his supporters that he will turn things around. IMO, he's all for Main Street than greedy Wall Street. I think nationalization might occur in the near future. Sell your BAC and C stock now while you can.
There are many banks in India that are owned by the Government 1005. They are: Allahabad Bank, Andhra Bank, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Bank of Maharashtra, Canara Bank, Central Bank of India, Corporation Bank, Dena Bank, IDBI Bank, Indian Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Punjab & Sind Bank, Punjab National Bank, Syndicate Bank, UCO Bank, Union Bank of India, United Bank of India and Vijaya Bank
Wachovia bank is a large bank in the United States. However, Wachovia bank is the not the leading bank in America in bank lending. Bank of America is the leading bank in lending.
The numbers are as follows:Foreign banks - 9Private Banks - 33Government Banks - 5Their names are:Government Banks:Rajshahi Krishi Unnoyan BankBangladesh Krishi BankBDBLBASIC BANK Ltd.NRB Bank Ltd.Private Banks:Agrani Bank LimitedKrishi BankBRAC Bank LimitedEastern Bank LimitedDutch Bangla Bank LimitedDhaka Bank LimitedIslami Bank Bangladesh LtdPubali Bank LimitedUttara Bank LimitedIFIC Bank LimitedNational Bank LimitedThe City Bank LimitedUnited Commercial Bank LimitedNCC Bank LimitedPrime Bank LimitedSouthEast Bank LimitedAl-Arafah Islami Bank LimitedSocial Islami Bank LimitedStandard Bank LimitedOne Bank LimitedExim Bank LimitedMercantile Bank LimitedBangladesh Commerce Bank LimitedMutual Trust Bank LimitedFirst Security Islami Bank LimitedThe Premier Bank LimitedBank Asia LimitedTrust Bank LimitedShahjalal Islami Bank LimitedJamuna Bank LimitedICB Islami BankAB Bank LimitedBASIC Bank Limited (Bangladesh Small Industries and Commerce Bank Limited)Foreign Banks:CitibankHSBCStandard Chartered BankCommercial Bank of CeylonState Bank of IndiaHabib BankNational Bank of PakistanWoori BankBank Alfalah
Nationalize banks are those banks which are come under government undertakings.
classification of banks on the basis of ownership consist the following branches 1) public bank 2)private bank 3)nationalize bank 4)statutory bank 5)chartered bank
It is when a government takes over the bank or any other privately held company. This is also called central planning, but better known as socialism.
Nationalize means to make distinctly national. Church designs in that century were nationalized.
RBI,the cenral bank of the country establishe on 1st April,1935 and it was nationalished on 1st January,1949 to control Indian monetory system.
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Denationalize - private, ownership
Yes it is very much possible. It is the decision of the government of the country to choose when or which bank they want to nationalize but they can't just pick up any bank that is held by a private company and nationalize it. There must be a valid reason. For ex: In India around 14 banks were nationalized in 1969 and a further 5 banks were nationalized in 1980. Let's say tomorrow a private bank declares bankruptcy and has thousands of customers who have deposited millions of rupees in the bank, to reduce impact to customers, the government of India can step in and say, we are taking over this bank (nationalizing it) and we'll be responsible for the money in it. This way the customers would be saved of the agony of losing their hard earned money.