

Best Answer

"If I understand your question correctly, a GE money loan is Personal Line of Credit which can be used for a variety of purposes when you find yourself in a financial situation that requires additional funds. You can find more informaiton at gemoneyloans."

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Q: What is a ge money loan used for?
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Related questions

What interest rate does the average ge money loans come in?

"The current rate for a GE Money personal loan is set at 13.99% per annum. In order to secure the loan, you also need to pay $250 establishment fee and a $10 loan service fee per month."

Where is the best place to find GE money loans?

GE loans are available across the United States and Canada. The easiest way to secure a loan of this nature is to peruse the GE financing website for more information.

What is provided by GE financial services?

GE financial services provide finance for people wishing to buy electrical goods. They will explain the terms and conditions of the loan and then lend the money to customers.

What is a non purchase money loan?

A purchase money loan is a loan usually used to buy a home. A non purchase money loan is a loan for other reasons where the lender does not know what is being bought.

What is the corporate address for GE Money Bank?

What is the corporate address for GE Money?

Is ge money bank owned by ge corporation?

Yes GE Money Bank is owned as a subsidiary of the GE Corporation. General Electric was founded in 1892.

Can loan be used as a verb?

Yes, "loan" can be used as a verb. It means to lend something to someone for temporary use, especially money. For example, "I will loan you my car for the weekend."

What are the benefits of going for a GE money loans?

There are a few potential benefits of going for a GE money loan. They offer fixed rate loans that provide one with peace of mind knowing the rates are not subject to change. They also offer flexible payment frequencies and allow one to apply online in just 15 minutes.

How many years had GE Money Bank been lending money for?

GE Money bank has been lending money for over 50 long reliable dependable years. Thats along time so the source has to be reliable at the GE money bank.

What is a provident loan used for?

A Provident Loan is a loan that will loan you money for jewellery and gold. The Provident Loan Society offers loans for a lower rate than a lot of other companies, for example, loan sharks.

What if federal student loan money is partially used for bills?

They send you the money, you use the money. Don't have to account for use.

What are the benefits of using GE money bank?

The GE money bank offers a wide range of financial services, at affordable rates. You can use GE money for a high interest savings account, or a low charge checking account.