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According to me there is no disadvantage in getting debt consolidated.

By consolidating your debt you are paying one monthly payment, which is lower than all the payments you are paying to creditors. The debt consolidation agency uses this payment to pay off the actual debt and the interest on the debt.

The rate of interest you are offered by these companies always remains much lower to that of all your existing debt. With the financial process you reduce your debt burden by 50% to 60% and also before time then you yourself can pay off.

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Q: What is a disadvantage of using a debt consolidation service?
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How do debt consolidation services work?

Most debt consolidation services work by consolidating your debt into one loan. The debt consolidation service will pay off all of your debt balances and then make a loan to you for the amount of your debt plus any service fees. Normally the consolidated loan will have a lower interest rate than your previous debt balances.

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"There are several organizations that offer Christion debt relief. They may or may not fit your needs better than other forms of debt relief, and I would doubt that they would be any better than many secular organizations. Some organizations that state they offer this service are Debt Free Christian, Christian Debt Consolidation, and Nationwide Debt Reduction."

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One can get loan consolidation advice from the following sources: National Debt Relief, Debt Free Direct, Debt Advice Foundation, No More Debts, Money Advice Service.

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Yes, it does... Debt Consolidation hurts less than Debt Settlement.

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Christian debt consolidation is a plan that takes care of your debt or you and make monthly payments easier to pay. They also help you to financially stabalize yourself using Biblical principles.

How can someone contact a debt consolidation service in Chicago?

In Chicago, you may contact a debt consolidation service in Chicago through the use of many different sources. Some of these include telephone contact, e-mail, and even personal interaction.

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There are a number of credit card companies that offer debt consolidation. Wells Fargo, for example, is one notable company that is known to provide this service.

What steps can people in credit card debt take to reduce their debt without declaring bankruptcy?

Credit card debt consolidation with the help of an accountant or a debt consolidation service and careful management of income can be helpful steps in reducing your credit card debt without declaring bankruptcy.

Where can one apply for debt consolidation with bad credit scores in Alberta?

You can apply for debt consolidation with bad credit scores from the Alberta Credit Counseling company as well as many other debt management firms. It is best to seek out a reputable service for this.

Can you use other credit cards when are in a proccess of Debt Consolidation?

It is not recommended to apply for new credit cards or use the ones that you told the debt consolidation company that you can't afford the minimum payment. What is the point of using credit cards when you are trying to get out of debt? If you use any of the cards that are in the process of debt consolidation, the company can end your contract and what are you going to do to get rid of your debt?

Who do I contact for Credit Card Consolidation?

If you have good credit, contact your bank and see about a debt consolidation loan. If not, seek out Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS).

Where can one find a credit card debt consolidation calculator online?

There are several on-line credit card debt consolidation calculators available. For example MSN Money, Bankrate and Wells Fargo all offer this service.