The upward and the downward bias refers to the overestimation or overstatement by a statistical measure of a given event.
The stock market is currently experiencing an upward trend.
Right now, mortgage rates appear to be rising slightly. This can change on an almost daily basis however. The economy just will not support steep rises right now.
Vertical comm. as we know its the communication from upward- downward and vice verses its true in the same institution or an organization. It enables immediate feedback to the required situation, as those having this kind of communication will exchange ideas and try to solve each other.
Effective downward communication will help managers meet their goals. When line employees know what they are expected to do, they can work towards meeting their goals.
bear market
Lightning strikes downward from the clouds to the ground.
You can change your notes on the tuba by moving your lips upward or downward. Upward is lower, downward is slightly higher than upward and just stright means high.
No, gravity is a downward force.
Upward, downward and lateral
If the upward force acting on an object is greater than the downward force (its weight or force of gravity), the object will experience a net upward force causing it to accelerate in the upward direction. This could lead to the object moving upwards, overcoming the force of gravity pulling it downward.