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This is a republic that is owned or overseen by Japan. It will still hold many of the same traditional values as Japan.

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Q: What is Japanese-sponsored republic?
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As of 2016 the U.S. state department recognizes 195 independent countries; 194 of them are NOT the US. Did you really want a list of all 194? ========== Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Republic of Albania People's Democratic Republic of Algeria Principality of Andorra Republic of Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentine Republic Republic of Armenia Commonwealth of Australia Republic of Austria Republic of Azerbaijan Commonwealth of The Bahamas Kingdom of Bahrain People's Republic of Bangladesh Barbados Republic of Belarus Kingdom of Belgium Belize Republic of Benin Kingdom of Bhutan Plurinational State of Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Republic of Botswana Federative Republic of Brazil Brunei Darussalam Republic of Bulgaria Burkina Faso Union of Burma Republic of Burundi Republic of Cabo Verde Kingdom of Cambodia Republic of Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Republic of Chad Republic of Chile People's Republic of China Republic of Colombia Union of the Comoros Republic of the Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Republic of Costa Rica Republic of Côte d'Ivoire Republic of Croatia Republic of Cuba Republic of Cyprus Czech Republic Kingdom of Denmark Republic of Djibouti Commonwealth of Dominica Dominican Republic Republic of Ecuador Arab Republic of Egypt Republic of El Salvador Republic of Equatorial Guinea State of Eritrea Republic of Estonia Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Republic of Fiji Republic of Finland French Republic Gabonese Republic Republic of The Gambia Georgia Federal Republic of Germany Republic of Ghana Hellenic Republic Grenada Republic of Guatemala Republic of Guinea Republic of Guinea-Bissau Co-operative Republic of Guyana Republic of Haiti Holy See Republic of Honduras Hungary Republic of Iceland Republic of India Republic of Indonesia Islamic Republic of Iran Republic of Iraq Ireland State of Israel Italian Republic Jamaica Japan Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Republic of Kazakhstan Republic of Kenya Republic of Kiribati Democratic People's Republic of Korea Republic of Korea Republic of Kosovo State of Kuwait Kyrgyz Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Republic of Latvia Lebanese Republic Kingdom of Lesotho Republic of Liberia Libya Principality of Liechtenstein Republic of Lithuania Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Republic of Macedonia Republic of Madagascar Republic of Malawi Malaysia Republic of Maldives Republic of Mali Republic of Malta Republic of the Marshall Islands Islamic Republic of Mauritania Republic of Mauritius United Mexican States Federated States of Micronesia Republic of Moldova Principality of Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Kingdom of Morocco Republic of Mozambique Republic of Namibia Republic of Nauru Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Kingdom of the Netherlands New Zealand Republic of Nicaragua Republic of Niger Federal Republic of Nigeria Kingdom of Norway Sultanate of Oman Islamic Republic of Pakistan Republic of Palau Republic of Panama Independent State of Papua New Guinea Republic of Paraguay Republic of Peru Republic of the Philippines Republic of Poland Portuguese Republic State of Qatar Romania Russian Federation Republic of Rwanda Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Independent State of Samoa Republic of San Marino Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Republic of Senegal Republic of Serbia Republic of Seychelles Republic of Sierra Leone Republic of Singapore Slovak Republic Republic of Slovenia Solomon Islands Federal Republic of Somalia Republic of South Africa Republic of South Sudan Kingdom of Spain Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Republic of the Sudan Republic of Suriname Kingdom of Swaziland Kingdom of Sweden Swiss Confederation Syrian Arab Republic Republic of Tajikistan United Republic of Tanzania Kingdom of Thailand Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste Togolese Republic Kingdom of Tonga Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Republic of Tunisia Republic of Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Republic of Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America Oriental Republic of Uruguay Republic of Uzbekistan Republic of Vanuatu Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Socialist Republic of Vietnam Republic of Yemen Republic of Zambia Republic of Zimbabwe

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The Roman Republic was a republic fully because it was not ruled by a king or other aristocrats. This is the definition of a republic. That is all you need to be a republic. A republic can be a democracy, an oligarchy or a dictatorship, so long as it is not ruled by a king or other aristocrats.

Who was ancient Rome before the republic?

Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.Before the republic Rome was ruled by the kings or the monarchy.