This depends on the daily exchange rate. At the moment 60K Euro equals around 81K (81,000) USD. On 11/12/10, 60,000 euros = 82, 045.79 US dollars. Use the link below for an up to date exchange rate.
Google: 45000 euro in us dollars says 60691.50 US Dollars
3,980 us dollars
40,000 US Dollars
$1848.19 dollars us
I'm guessing you saw a used car advertisement with "81k" in it. The "k" stands for "thousand." So 81k = 81000. Not bad for a car that is well maintained. I drive a '96 civic with 245k miles on it!
This depends on the daily exchange rate. At the moment 60K Euro equals around 81K (81,000) USD. On 11/12/10, 60,000 euros = 82, 045.79 US dollars. Use the link below for an up to date exchange rate.
according to the threads i've read its suppose to be 81k
Yes. The various dollars used outside the US are not the same as US dollars.
20 us dollars and 40 us dollars.
Google: 45000 euro in us dollars says 60691.50 US Dollars
305.20 us dollars
5.24 us dollars.
1940.55 US Dollars.
3,980 us dollars
40,000 US Dollars
about 77.50 in US dollars