one US dollar is worth 1.02 Swiss francs
36,000 Swiss francs = 33,740 US dollars. There are no French/Belgian francs
1 Swiss Franc equals 1.04 US Dollar. 20 Francs is worth $20.87
36,000 Swiss francs is equal to 39,588.72 American dollars. One franc is equal to 1.10 dollars and one dollar is equal to 0.91 francs.
While currency exchange rates are under constant fluctuation, at the present time a Swiss Franc is currently worth approximately 1.12 American Dollars. With this exchange rate, 5000 Swiss Francs are worth 5581.57 US Dollars.
If a dollar is worth 3 Swiss francs today and 10 Swiss francs tomorrow, than the dollar is appreciating (that is, increasing in value - it is worth more Swiss francs than before) and the Swiss franc is depreciating (that is, reducing in value - it used to be worth 1/3 of a dollar, and now it is only worth 1/10 of a dollar).
one US dollar is worth 1.02 Swiss francs
36,000 Swiss francs = 33,740 US dollars. There are no French/Belgian francs
1 Swiss Franc equals 1.04 US Dollar. 20 Francs is worth $20.87
in 1942 there were the French and the Swiss francs. Which one are you refering to?
Nothing anymore. In theory 10 Belgian francs is 25 euro cent (1 euro = 40,3399 francs), but 10 Belgian francs is a metal coin and metal coins are no longer exchanged into euros in banks or even in the national bank. (Only banknotes are still exchanged.)
36,000 Swiss francs is equal to 39,588.72 American dollars. One franc is equal to 1.10 dollars and one dollar is equal to 0.91 francs.
eulerAnswerSwitzerland changed its money collection (not coins) some time before the states of the European union introduced the Euro (just to have a possibility to see if you're talking about the old collection). 10 francs: Charles Edouard Jeanneret, called Le Corbusier, famous Swiss architect, designer.20 francs: Arthur Honegger, Swiss musician.50 francs: Sophie Taeuber-Arp, modern Swiss artist; 100 francs: Alberto Giacometti, Swiss artist; etc. for 200 and 1000 francs.
While currency exchange rates are under constant fluctuation, at the present time a Swiss Franc is currently worth approximately 1.12 American Dollars. With this exchange rate, 5000 Swiss Francs are worth 5581.57 US Dollars.
CHF stands for Swiss Francs. I think that it is $x million swiss francs.
Swiss Francs
10 dollars