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You contracted with the loan provider in good faith. When you were unable to make payments, you did not violate that faith; however, anything you do other than contact the loan provider and explain the situation is a betrayal. Your best course of action is to contact the loan company and explain your situation. If the situation is temporary, or even if it is long term, the loan provider may be able to work out different payment arrangements.

Keep in mind, you do not own the vehicle until the loan is paid. The finance company however does own the vehicle. In most of the United States, you could be charged with some form of larceny if you attempt to conceal a vehicle from the lender or attempt to interfere with repossession.

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Q: What if you can't afford to pay the repo back loan?
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Can a bank do a Charge off on a boat loan then Repo 3 years later?

no they cant only after 2 years

How can you get out of paying the high repo fee in California on your vehicle?

don't pay attention to those phony tv repo shows. no fat ladies are really in the repo biz and no one works in the day time unless the car is just begging to be nabbed. simple... don't get repoed. the repo companies cant work for free, tow drivers, skip tracers, storage lots, investigators. if you pay your note reasonably you wont have to worry, if you cant afford your car do a voluntary repo or buy one you can afford. the reason our country is in so much trouble now is due to ignorant buyers and sellers. don't you know what you can afford? if you don't you shouldne be buying anything or you deserve to be repoed, fool. I'm a repo man, i can afford most of what i repo but i don't want to deal with all of the bank and rip off finance garbage. i drive a 94 Toyota. no payment. you can get one too for about 2 of your giant SUV payments and not worry about the repo fees. most people buy junk they can't afford so they look cool to all of the others just like them. no one looks cool with their SUV rollin away on the back of my repo truck with the alarm whalin. repos cost money and either youre payin to get it back or the bank pays and auctions your car, simple as that. do you work for free? maybe that's why you cant afford your car or home.

What will happen if you don't pay back a car title loan from titlemax?

They will at last resort come and repo your vehicle but if you can't afford to pay it, you can always sell it to some one and take the money and pay it off and keep the rest.

Are there any loan companies that will help you buy your repo back?

IF you have collateral for security, YES. Not likely to happen.

Five years later do you have to pay back the loan on a car repo?

yes this goes on your history report

If a car is repossessed and the loan is paid in full and you get your car back do you still have a repo on your credit report?

IF the lender posts a repo on your CR, you have one. You will have the repo on your credit report, but it should also show up as "redeemed".

Can you repo a car if you signed the loan but your ex-spouse is the only name on the registration and she is not making the payments?

You CANT legally. She could report it STOLEN if you did. Best thing to do is contact the LENDER and assure them that YOU will make the payments IF they will repo it. AND get the registration out of her name. They can do that AFTER repo. Good Luck and MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Do repo men use gps to find a car?

Yes! A repo man stole into my locked backyard to install a GPS system when I did not pay on a TITLE LOAN. I noticed him following me over the next two weeks. The repo man stole back into my yard to remove the GPS after two weeks with no repo success. I settled with the CASH STORE for the original loan amount no interest.

Can your utility trailer be repossessed with your equipment inside if you are current on your payments but you owe them a personal loan?

The only way that they can legally repo your trailor is if you default on that loan or if you listed the trailor as calateral for the personal loan! if you didnt put the trailor as calateral then no they cant touch it!

How hard would it be for a person to get a car back after a repossession?

1st repo?? Pay the arrears and repo fees, have ins. coverage 2nd repo??? Most likely have to payoff the loan unless the lender is in a really good mood. Read your contract

When you cant afford the payments on your car what is the best choice to make having your car voluntary repossession of selling to a third party to pay off loan?

It is allways best to pay off the loan. So in order from good to bad: 1st: So if you can do it sell the car and pay the loan. Looks good on the credit score. 2nd Volintary Repo with the bank or lender giving a written quit claim meaning they wont chase you for more money. Looks bad on the credit score but you are done with the trouble from this loan. 3rd Volintary repo. bad on credit score and the lender can chase you for remainder of the loan and fees. 4th Make the finance company come get it involintary repo. Same as # 3 except the lender will have much higher fees and will be vindictive chasing you for the moey.

If your son bought an ATV and you cosigned for him and then filed bankruptcy and your son is behind on payments can the repo man come to your home every 48 hours after you told him your son moved out?

As cosigner on the loan you are equally responsible for for payment on the loan. If the lender has hired a repo company to take back the ATV for non payment, then the repo company is going to do everything possible to get it. That includes the frequent visits to your home in an effort to locate the ATV. If you want the repo man off your back, tell him where to find what he is looking for....or contact the lender and bring the loan payments current immediately.