

Best Answer

Hummm --- co-signer NOT a co-signer! -- your options are few - 1) GET ANOTHER CO-SIGNER QUICK, or 2) GET YOUR DOWN PAYMENT BACK QUICKLY or 3) Work w/dealer to arrange payments for your new car! If you've a job - ask (beg) your employer to tell car dealer that your stable in your job and you will not lose your job unless you can't get to work because you got no car! GOOD LUCK, and choose better friends to be your Co-signer next time.

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Q: What if the cosigner refuses to sign the auto loan but the down payment is already made?
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If you filed for bankruptcy would the cosigner of your auto loan be forced to take over payment?

The answer is that the cosigner would be left responsible for taking over the payments. If the cosigner wants to maintain his or her credit rating (which is probably damaged due to your filing bankruptcy), If the consignor does not want the auto loan people to sue for any remaining balance, then he or she will need to keep making the payments. If the auto loan company sues for any remaining balance and gets a judgment, then the auto loan company will go after the assets of the consignor and or garish their earnings. attempt o seize their assets or garnish their earnings.

Can the primany buyer of an auto loan refinance the auto loan in the cosigner's name only?

No. The cosigner would have to apply for a loan in their name using their credit, income data.

Is the cosigner of an auto loan responsible for the loan if the loan was refinanced by the buyer without the knowledge or consent of the cosigner?

No, the refinancing without the consent or knowledge of the original cosigner created a breach of the original lending agreement and the cosigner is no longer legally obligated for the debt.

If the cosigner is refusing to refinance or pay the auto loan off how could the primary person on the auto loan remove his or her name?

They would need to have the vehicle refinanced in their name only or obtain another cosigner for the refinancing.

How do you get your name off of an auto loan that you cosigned on if other party cannot get another loan and has nobody willing to take over as cosigner?

A cosigner cannot be removed from the debt obligation except by a refinancing of the loan without the original cosigner's participation.

Related questions

Do you have to get a cosigner after you already purchased the vehicle?

Co-signers are only asked to help you qualify if you have not been approved for the auto loan.

Can you be seventeen and have a cosigner cosign for an auto loan?

i was able to get an auto loan with the help of a cosigner and im under 18

What are the requirements of an auto cosigner in Indiana?

An auto cosigner, in the state of Indiana, has to meet all of the requirements of the contract. In most cases the cosigner has the same obligations as the primary signer.

If you filed for bankruptcy would the cosigner of your auto loan be forced to take over payment?

The answer is that the cosigner would be left responsible for taking over the payments. If the cosigner wants to maintain his or her credit rating (which is probably damaged due to your filing bankruptcy), If the consignor does not want the auto loan people to sue for any remaining balance, then he or she will need to keep making the payments. If the auto loan company sues for any remaining balance and gets a judgment, then the auto loan company will go after the assets of the consignor and or garish their earnings. attempt o seize their assets or garnish their earnings.

Can a cosigner on an auto loan get insurance on the vehicle?


Can the primany buyer of an auto loan refinance the auto loan in the cosigner's name only?

No. The cosigner would have to apply for a loan in their name using their credit, income data.

Can you get auto financing if your credit is not perfect?

Yes, even if you have less than perfect credit there are options for auto financing. Majority of the time you can pay a larger down payment and have smaller monthly payments. Also you can have a cosigner with good credit to sign with you to lease a car.

Can a private auto seller renege after receiving a down payment?

Not without the buyer's consent if a contract was already formed

If the cosigner is refusing to refinance or pay the auto loan off how could the primary person on the auto loan remove his or her name?

They would need to have the vehicle refinanced in their name only or obtain another cosigner for the refinancing.

Is the cosigner of an auto loan responsible for the loan if the loan was refinanced by the buyer without the knowledge or consent of the cosigner?

No, the refinancing without the consent or knowledge of the original cosigner created a breach of the original lending agreement and the cosigner is no longer legally obligated for the debt.

Do you have to get your auto insurance under your cosigner's auto insurance if they cosign for you?

maybe it will help you -

Is a cosigner of an auto lease obligated to pay the lease?

Yes. That's the idea.