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If you are getting a Federal Student Loan credit is not an issues. I just got a Federal Student loan and my credit is BAD!!! The thing is, is that it's a Federal Loan so you will always owe that money, even if you claim chapter 7 or 13. I was worried about that too, but I got one just fine.

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Q: What happens with your student loan if both you and your cosigner have bad credit?
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When getting a loan with a cosigner does the credit check go off of the cosigners credit or the borrowers credit?

The credit of the primary borrower(s) and the cosigner(s) are equally affected (positively or negatively) and both are subject to the credit history check and evaluation.

Does having a cosigner help your credit?

Yes, having a cosigner on a loan or line of credit/ credit card can help your credit. It can help because, assuming they have good credit, you are more likely to get approved, which gives you a chance to build your credit. The danger is if the cosigner where to default on payments or abuse the account (such as using a credit card you both are signers on to rack up a lot of debt). So if you pick your cosigner carefully it can help you- but remember what you do on the account effects their credit, so make sure you are also responsible with the account.

If I am a cosigner on a car loan and it gets repo is the owner of the car responsible for the remaining balance after it is auctioned or is it the cosigner's responsibility?

Both are responsible until paid in full. It will also be on both credit reports as well.

When does the bank require a cosigner?

The banks want to know that they will get the money that they are owed back. Too many people today fail to pay back loans for a variety of reasons, both honest and dishonest. If you do not have an established, suitable credit history, a bank has no way of knowing if you are a good credit risk (reliable in paying your debts). By having a cosigner with the appropriately established credit history, if you fail to pay the loan, they can make the cosigner pay the loan. That is what the cosigner is singing for, to pay back the loan if you fail to do so. If you loaned money you would want to make sure you got money back, wouldn't you?

Which companies offer student credit cards?

Most credit card companies offer student credit cards. Citi and Discover are just two of these. Both offer cards specifically designed for college student use.

Related questions

If you get a cosigner when purchasing a car will it show up in your credit report or the cosigner's credit report?

It will appear on the CR of both parties.

Who gets the credit when you have a cosigner on a new car?


When getting a loan with a cosigner does the credit check go off of the cosigners credit or the borrowers credit?

The credit of the primary borrower(s) and the cosigner(s) are equally affected (positively or negatively) and both are subject to the credit history check and evaluation.

Does having a cosigner help your credit?

Yes, having a cosigner on a loan or line of credit/ credit card can help your credit. It can help because, assuming they have good credit, you are more likely to get approved, which gives you a chance to build your credit. The danger is if the cosigner where to default on payments or abuse the account (such as using a credit card you both are signers on to rack up a lot of debt). So if you pick your cosigner carefully it can help you- but remember what you do on the account effects their credit, so make sure you are also responsible with the account.

If I am a cosigner on a car loan and it gets repo is the owner of the car responsible for the remaining balance after it is auctioned or is it the cosigner's responsibility?

Both are responsible until paid in full. It will also be on both credit reports as well.

Who's credit is affected if a cosigner is bankrupt and the loan is defaulted?

Both parties on the loan. Co-signer and other person they co-signed for

Who's credit rating is affected if a vehicle that was leased with a cosigner is reposessed?

Both parties social securities #'s are sent to collections for the amount due.

When does the bank require a cosigner?

The banks want to know that they will get the money that they are owed back. Too many people today fail to pay back loans for a variety of reasons, both honest and dishonest. If you do not have an established, suitable credit history, a bank has no way of knowing if you are a good credit risk (reliable in paying your debts). By having a cosigner with the appropriately established credit history, if you fail to pay the loan, they can make the cosigner pay the loan. That is what the cosigner is singing for, to pay back the loan if you fail to do so. If you loaned money you would want to make sure you got money back, wouldn't you?

My exwife didn't pay for car loan tow company got car do i have to pay as a cosigner if car is gone?

As a former banker, I was often asked this type of question. A cosigner is a person who is legally obligated to the lender (usually a bank or a finance company) to repay a loan that may, or may not, have benefited the cosigner. By signing the loan documents, the cosigner assumes equal and full responsibility to repay the loan. Note the term 'equal' - most financial institutions make no distinction between who signs the contract first or second, both parties are equally responsible. Where the car is or who has possession of it makes no difference. The loan contract is between the borrowers (yes, the cosigner is a borrower) and the lender. Should the loan go in to default (payments late, missed, or completely in default), no matter what personal agreements the cosigner had with the primary borrower about who should make the payments or who has possession of the car, the financial institution will make attempts to collect from both parties and report that information to the credit bureaus where it will impact equally both the primary borrower's and cosigner's credit history, credit score, and affect each party's ability to obtain credit in the future.

Which companies offer student credit cards?

Most credit card companies offer student credit cards. Citi and Discover are just two of these. Both offer cards specifically designed for college student use.

If a person needs a cosigner to lease a car will their credit improve if they make payments on time?

Yes, the owner as well as the co-signer will be affected when you lease a car, being it negative or positive it will have an impact on both credit reports.

Whose credit score is used when you cosign for a loan?

The cosigner's credit score is used. They are the one responsible if the primary signer defaults on payment. Both credits are ruined if the car payment is missed. Be very careful of who you sign for!