When you over pay a credit card, you have then a "credit balance." This means, in essense, the credit card company owes you money. You can either have them send you a check to pay off the difference, or the credit balance will be eliminated when/if you use your card again.
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the credit card company sends people to get their money i would want to pay them.
Satan now owns you, pay up!
To pay a vendor using a credit card, you can provide your credit card information to the vendor either online, over the phone, or in person. The vendor will then process the payment using your credit card details.
The overpayment will sit on your credit card account until youeither use your card to pay for items and use up the overpayment or you claim it back from the credit card company.
Yes - so long as you don't go over your own limit.
the credit card company sends people to get their money i would want to pay them.
Satan now owns you, pay up!
Your credit card will be refused if you try to use it again. You first need to pay off at least some of what you owe so that you are back within your credit limit.
They say that I am in contract to pay for everything. They have my credit card and that's it. What can happen if the credit card on file is invalid?
To pay a vendor using a credit card, you can provide your credit card information to the vendor either online, over the phone, or in person. The vendor will then process the payment using your credit card details.
Your credit card company. You should be able to call them and pay your bill/debt over the phone or be able to do it on the internet on your credit card company's website.
The overpayment will sit on your credit card account until youeither use your card to pay for items and use up the overpayment or you claim it back from the credit card company.
If you go over your I-tunes balance the credit card you have attached to that account will be charged. If there is no credit card attached to the account then you will have to pay your debt off with an I-tunes gift card that you can buy pretty much anywhere however Costco has the best value.
Can I order a copy of my car title over the phone and pay with a credit card?
Yes - so long as you don't go over your own limit.
This could damage your credit score. It will be harder for you to get credit cards or loans in the future.
Yes you can get a credit card. Start with a secured credit card, then get a store card. Pay them off on time over 6 months and then apply for a real credit card. You'll get one if you pay it off every month.