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I am assuming at this point you are in default on your student loans?

I suggest you call your student loan servicer and try to get your loan in a forebearence due to economic hardship.

Another option is to call the William D. Ford Company and see if they can assist you in consolidating your loans, which would take them out of default and then defer payments until you are able to pay on them.

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Q: What happens when you can not pay your student loan and have a civil action taken against you?
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If you file bankruptcy will it dismiss a civil action against you?

Maybe, it depends upon what the civil suit pertains to, for example personal injury suits are generally not allowed to be included in BK actions.

What happens to second mortgage in foreclosure?

After the foreclosure of the first mortgage the second mortgage is wiped out as an encumbrance against the property but remains an unpaid debt against the mortgagor. The creditor can sue in civil court.After the foreclosure of the first mortgage the second mortgage is wiped out as an encumbrance against the property but remains an unpaid debt against the mortgagor. The creditor can sue in civil court.After the foreclosure of the first mortgage the second mortgage is wiped out as an encumbrance against the property but remains an unpaid debt against the mortgagor. The creditor can sue in civil court.After the foreclosure of the first mortgage the second mortgage is wiped out as an encumbrance against the property but remains an unpaid debt against the mortgagor. The creditor can sue in civil court.

If you write a check to those cash now places and dont pay what happens?

If the check you wrote to the payday company is returned by your bank for insufficient funds, etc. it is considered to be a "bad check" and the payday loan company can obtain a civil judgment against you. Most of them simply put it on your credit report but some companies do proceed with civil action. To determine what legal consequences of a bad check is in your state check out this website:

Which of the following is the proper order of events in a civil action?

Pleadings, Discovery, Pretrial Conference, Trial, Appeal.

What are proper order of events in a civil action?

Discovery, pretrial conference, trial, pleadings, appeal

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The State

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No. An employment contract is a violation of civil law not criminal law. It will depend on the penalty wording of the contract as to what action may be taken against them.

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What is civil wrong and criminal wrong?

I have always understood that a Criminal action is where the Police are the prosecuting authority,against a person,or persons who have been charged with a criminal offence. A Civil action is where a lawyer,or QC initiates a legal action on behalf of a client or company,not facing criminal charges. Criminal action is for crimes against society. These are usually clearly outlined in statutes and law. A good example would be a ticket for speeding. It is a violation of law. Civil action is for harm caused to a person. This could be hurting them physically, mentally, hurting their property, etc. If you tell a person that a teacher was having a relationship with a student. If the teacher gets fired because of the lie, they could bring a civil action against you for causing them to get fired.

Is a tort a civil action?

Yes, a tort is a civil wrong that causes harm or loss to someone, leading to legal liability. It involves a claim for damages by the injured party against the person who committed the wrongful act.

Can you take civil action against an executor?

As long as your question is referring to the executor of a will, than the answer to your question is yes.

What to do when civil action has been served against you?

Consult an attorney! They are the ones with the expertise to help you out. There will be an answer that has to be provided to the charges.

What is a Class Action Lawyer?

A class action lawyer is a lawyer who special in civil judgement cases. Usually these involve cases against a company made by multiple plaintiffs.

Can you take penal action against a builder in Texas?

No. Only the state can take criminal (penal) action. Private citizens are limited to civil suits to resolve disputes.

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A Civil Action was created on 1996-08-27.