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The bank will put up the house for auction and recover the money loaned to you. Residual balance of the liability, if any, standing against your name post auction will be returned to you.

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Q: What happens to your credit if you give your house back to the bank?
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You want out of your mortgage can you let the house go back to the bank with what consequences?

If you default on your mortgage and go into foreclosure, the bank can seize your house. The consequences are that this is a horrible thing to have on your credit record; it will make it very hard for you to get credit for years to come, and any credit you do get will cost you far more because you'll be offered terrible interest rates. You'll be better off if you can sell your house than if you let the bank take it.

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•Customer must maintain a banking account with the bank. • •Customer also must have a Back-to-Back Credit facility given by the Bank. • •The export documentary credit must be issued by a reputable international bank with bank line available from the bank Head Office.

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A bank's profits go to the bank and its chief officers. The profits of a credit union go back to its members.

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A bank credit is when someone takes out a loan from a bank where they are not required to pay the debt back immediatly and a payment schedule will be made.

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How do you give a foreclosed house back to the bank?

When the bank foreclosed on the house, they took it back. Now it's time to move out.

Can the vanquis bank help you with your credit score?

Any bank can help you with your credit score. However it is ultimately up to you what happens to your credit score. Paying bills on time is most important.

Can you use line of credit to buy a house?

You can contact your bank or financial institution for Housing Loan for buying a house, by using their line of credit.

What exactly is scotiabank line of credit?

Scotia Bank is large international bank, and a line of credit is an agreement with this bank that they will loan you money when you ask for it. The loan is based upon equity that you have such as your house.

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American Express, Bank of America, Capital One, Chase and Citibank all offer cash back credit cards. You can find out if your current credit card company or bank offers a cash back credit option on their site.

What happens to your credit when you give a car back to the bank?

You are not giving it back to the bank, you are having your car voluntarily repossessed. It ruins your credit for 7 years. Which may sound like a bad thing, but in reality will keep you from buying more car than you can afford for the next 7 years, which is a good thing. Remember if you do this, you will still be responsible for the difference in what the bank sells the car for, and the balance on the loan.