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If there are 2 people on the deed of trust and only one on the loan - then the person who has defaulted on the loan will have their credit negatively affected. The one who is only on the deed of trust will lose ownership to the bank or mortgage company, however, their credit will not be affected unless they co-signed or guaranteed the original loan that has defaulted.

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Q: What happens if mortgage loan holder files for bankruptcy when the title has other people also?
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Can you leave a chapter 13 bankruptcy open and refinance your current mortgage if the mortgage is not included in the chapter 13?

Here is the short answer.........No. No lender will allow this. Lenders want you to be out of Bankruptcy.This is what I do refinance people out of bankruptcy early or arrange refinancing so that my clients can avoid bankruptcy or forclosure altogether. that is what you must do in order to refi your mortgage regardless of the mortgage status with your bankruptcy plan

What paper work do you do when a person wants to have another person take over payments on her house and transfer the title until its paid for?

You will need to make contact with the mortgage holder (people that loaned money to buy the house) and get their approval. Until the loan is paid off, the mortgage agreement is between the homeowner and the mortgage holder. That agreement cannot be changed without their approval, or a court order (such as bankruptcy) or the death of the borrower. In effect, you would transferring your mortgage to the other person- and that person might not be acceptable to the mortgage company.

Do you still owe for second mortgage?

Yes. "People with a second mortgage who are facing foreclosure should go to bankruptcy to get rid of the unsecured second-mortgage note," she said. "They should do it as soon as they're foreclosed upon, because that's when they're at rock-bottom, not when they've started to rebuild (their finances)."

What happens to the sub-prime mortgage bonds when people begin to default on loans?

Investors lose their investment.

Can you file bankruptcy on a second mortgage and multiple credit cards?

It depends on what you want to do with the house secured by the second mortgage and which chapter of bankruptcy you file. First, regarding the credit cards, yes you can always file on multiple credit cards so long as they were not used in anticipation of bankruptcy. Generally it is a good idea to wait at least 90 days since any card was used before filing the bankruptcy case, and DO NOT make any charges once you think you may file bankruptcy. The run-up-the-cards-before-filing-bankruptcy technique many people think is so clever may be deemed fraud and can result in a federal lawsuit (called an Adversary Proceeding) and repayment of the debt plus attorneys fees. Second, regarding the second mortgage: If you want to keep the home, the second mortgage must be kept also UNLESS you are filing Chapter 13 AND the amount of the first mortgage exceeds the value of the home at the time of filing. So, in the vast majority of cases, if you file bankruptcy you are stuck with all mortgages if you want to keep the home. By way of example of the rare instance when a junior mortgage can be discharged in bankruptcy, say your home is worth $100,000, and you owe $101,000 on your first mortgage. If you file Chapter 13 (repayment plan), you can "strip" the second mortgage (and third, fourth, etc) since the amount owed on the first mortgage exceeds the value of the home. In Chapter 7, you have to keep all mortgages regardless of the value. Another example, say you owe $99,999 on the first mortgage and the home is worth $100,000, and you have a second mortgage on which you owe $50,000. The entire $50,000 second mortgage survives no matter what chapter of bankruptcy you file because it is secured by $1. Yes, only $1 can commit you to the entire second mortgage. Please note that nothing in this posting or in any other posting constitutes legal advice; this is simply my understanding of the facts and law, which I do not warrant, and I am not suggesting any course of action or inaction to any person. Speak to a lawyer for specific advice. If you have any questions, please refer to a lawyer in your jurisdiction. Thanks!

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If you are a title holder of real property but are not on the mortgage loan and or mortgage note of that property can a lien be placed against the real property if you file bankruptcy?

This would be a most uncommon own the proerty but other people have it mortgaged? Your bankruptcy effects everything you own, not just what you may owe on. Your ownership of this property is included.

Can you leave a chapter 13 bankruptcy open and refinance your current mortgage if the mortgage is not included in the chapter 13?

Here is the short answer.........No. No lender will allow this. Lenders want you to be out of Bankruptcy.This is what I do refinance people out of bankruptcy early or arrange refinancing so that my clients can avoid bankruptcy or forclosure altogether. that is what you must do in order to refi your mortgage regardless of the mortgage status with your bankruptcy plan

What paper work do you do when a person wants to have another person take over payments on her house and transfer the title until its paid for?

You will need to make contact with the mortgage holder (people that loaned money to buy the house) and get their approval. Until the loan is paid off, the mortgage agreement is between the homeowner and the mortgage holder. That agreement cannot be changed without their approval, or a court order (such as bankruptcy) or the death of the borrower. In effect, you would transferring your mortgage to the other person- and that person might not be acceptable to the mortgage company.


Yes it is possible to qualify for a mortgage despite a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing. In a Chapter 13 filing the debtor agrees to a court structured debt repayment schedule. Typically, after making payments on time to creditors as required by the bankruptcy agreement an individual can be discharged by the Court from the Chapter 13 proceeding. Once discharged from bankruptcy an individual can apply for a mortgage. Each bank has different rules about how soon someone can apply for a mortgage after a bankruptcy. Most people coming out of bankruptcy apply for an FHA mortgage loan since this program has the most lenient underwriting standards.

Will my options for home mortgage interest rates be compromised by my having filed bankruptcy recently?

If you have filed bankruptcy recently your options for low home mortgage interest rates are going to be very slim, if they exist at all. In fact it will be hard to get a mortgage from a reputabel company at all, especially if a home was involved in the bankruptcy proceedings. It will depend on how recent the bankruptcy was, what all was involved in the proceedings and how you have resolved things since as well as finding a bank that may have a program designed to help people in your situation.

What happens if you dont reaffirm your mortgage when filing chapter 7 in ma?

If it has any equity, the trustee may take it and sell it at auction. If there is little or no euity, the trustee will leave it to the mortgage holder to foreclose. If it is already in forecosure, the mortgagee may file a motion for relief from stay to pursue the foreclosure. Since there are so many foreclosures and people just walking away from underwater mortgages, it may be possible to work out a rental or refi or some other result. Watch out for scams. Use a local bankruptcy lawyer who is familiar with recent developments.

What does sub prime mortgage leads mean?

Sub prime mortgage leads are potential mortgages for people who are not an ideal candidate for a loan. This can be because of a poor credit history, recent bankruptcy or low paying job.

Do you still owe for second mortgage?

Yes. "People with a second mortgage who are facing foreclosure should go to bankruptcy to get rid of the unsecured second-mortgage note," she said. "They should do it as soon as they're foreclosed upon, because that's when they're at rock-bottom, not when they've started to rebuild (their finances)."

If a home has 2 people named on the deed but the mortgage is in only one persons name what happens if the person who dies is not the mortgage holder?

It depends on how the 2 people owned the property: as joint tenants, tenants by the entirety, tenants in common, and whether the mortgage covered the entire fee ownership or just one joint tenant's interests in it. Too little information to be specific, but if we're talking joint tenants with the right of survivorship, the mortgagor-owner would inherit the deceased joint tenant's share and nothing much would change.

What happens to the sub-prime mortgage bonds when people begin to default on loans?

Investors lose their investment.

Which is better to do foreclousre bankrupties or deeding your home back I have put my home up for sale but I am 4months behind?

If the mortgage holder will accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure, that would be the road to take. If, like most people in foreclosure these days, you are "upside down" on the mortgage (owe more than the house is now worth) and cannot sell it, file bankruptcy. If you have the income to do a plan and keep the house, do a C. 13. If not, surrender the house in a C. 7 and have any deficiency discharged.

What would be a good way to find out about being able to obtain a home loan for people who have a history of bankruptcy?

A good way to find out about obtaining a home loan with a history of bankruptcy would be to speak to a financial advisor at your local bank. They would have the best mortgage ideas for you.