How many shareholders does Citigroup have?
Vikram Pandit is the CEO of Citigroup.
Yes, Citibank and CitiGroup are both portions of the same company. Citibank is the banking portion of the company while Citigroup provides management.
Citigroup Inc. (BLW)had its IPO in 2003.
Citibank is a subsidiary of Citigroup
More has happened to Citigroup in the past year than can be easily explained. This is something you could write a 200+ page report on. I suggest you start doing research.
Citigroup's population is 2,011.
Citigroup's population is 10.
Citigroup was created in 1998.
Citibank is a subsidiary of Citigroup
How many shareholders does Citigroup have?
Vikram Pandit is the CEO of Citigroup.
The population of Nikko Citigroup is 1,700.
Nikko Citigroup was created in 2003.
Citigroup Tower was created in 2005.
Citigroup Center was created in 1977.
Yes, Citibank and CitiGroup are both portions of the same company. Citibank is the banking portion of the company while Citigroup provides management.