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Q: What following refers to the original amount of money that has borrowed on the loan?
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What refers to the original amount of money borrowed?

The original amount of money borrowed is known as the principal.

Which refers to the predetermined amount an individual must pay for the use of borrowed money?

The predetermined amount an individual must pay for the use of borrowed money is called interest.

Which term refers to the predetermined amount an individual must pay for the use of borrowed money?

The predetermined amount an individual must pay for the use of borrowed money is called interest.

What is principle amount?

The amount of a loan or investment that does not include interest. It's the amount borrowed, or the amount currently owed in a loan (including mortgages) and the amount invested (for investments.)

What is token mortgage?

I don't believe this is a legal term. It probably refers to a mortgage where the amount borrowed is small compared to the value of house. One reason for doing this would be to improve your credit score.

Is hacienda borrowed word?

Yes, "hacienda" is a borrowed word in English. It comes from Spanish and refers to a large estate or plantation, typically found in Spanish-speaking countries.

What is the homonym of lone?

The homonym of "lone" is "loan." "Lone" means solitary or single, while "loan" refers to an amount of money that is borrowed and expected to be paid back with interest.

Is principalal homophone?

No, "principal" and "principle" are not homophones. "Principal" refers to a person in a leading position or the original amount of money invested. "Principle" refers to a fundamental truth or belief.

What is the initial amount?

The initial amount refers to the starting quantity or value of something before any changes or adjustments are made to it. It is the original amount present at the beginning of a given situation or calculation.

What word refers to the amount of matter in an object?

Mass refers to the amount of mass in an object.

What language was yak borrowed from?

The word "yak" was borrowed from Tibetan language.

The Army refers to the reintegration process as What?

The Army refers to the reintegration process as which of the following